I've given in... I'm confessing... :)
You can too!I confess that my 20-month-old moved to a big (twin) bed this week. No muss, no fuss. As punishment from the parenting gods, he's now waking up at 6 AM most mornings and having screaming fits intermittently throughout the day. Today's first episode was (apparently) triggered by me blow-drying my hair. I now understand why some animals in the wild eat their young.
I confess that this week has been one where we open the cupboard and say, "We're out of [bowls/spoons/plates/cups]... must be time to do the dishes." But I've been ticking things off my
travel-crafting checklist!
I confess that I am struggling hard core with being pregnant right now, more than I ever have. Not for any of the normal reasons like stretch marks or maternity clothes, but because I want to run a 5K this weekend. I know it's safe for pregnant women to exercise and run and all, but it hasn't worked out so well for me. Like fainting spells and sick for 2 days not-so-well. (Something about taking the first 4-5 months of pregnancy off exercise-wise?) But I am in agony thinking of walking while everyone else is running.
I confess that my son's newest word is
bodyslam and I love when he'll yell it in a gravelly voice before jumping on Daddy. And then he'll come stroke my belly and say
baby. Melt much?
I confess that I drove all over town yesterday looking for croissants because I wanted
chicken salad sandwiches. And I nearly had a moment when my husband suggested I just use bread or a hot dog bun. And then he very kindly drove to the neighboring town and bought the biggest, most delicious croissants EVER.
I confess that Netflix and streaming Sesame Street makes blogging and cooking dinner in peace so much easier. Now I just have to deal with my son's first waking word: "Elmo?"
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