Yesterday Evening...

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...looked like:

- A one hour X-System workout. Instead of Chest and Back this time…it was Plyometrics. During the actual workout I was feeling fine. It was definitely a great workout, but I felt like I could handle it. If you asked me about two hours later how I was feeling….I would tell you that my legs were BURNING from all of the squats, lunges, and jumps I did.

- A long walk with my husband and pup. The weather was BEAUTIFUL yesterday…just like it is again today (a little muggy though!). There were so many people out and about and when the breeze did start…it was AMAZING.

- A quick trip to the grocery store to purchase a few ingredients to try out a new dessert. I was on my feet almost the entire time after I got home yesterday. I stayed in the kitchen preparing everything until about 9:30 (RIGHT before bedtime). I am bringing the leftovers into work today and hopefully my co-workers will enjoy them! I will be sure to post about this fun and summery dessert! :)

- While baking/cooking up a storm, I watched a recorded episode of 16 & Pregnant about a girl who had issues with Anorexia. WOAH – I am still in shock over how RIDICULOUS this poor girl’s mother was. She was absolutely terrible – leaving her all the time to hang out with her boyfriend while her daughter was OBVIOUSLY in need of some guidance. This show always intrigues me, but after I watch it I just can’t believe how some people act.

- Watching literally the last five minutes of American Idol just so I could see who the winner was. Personally, after watching literally one full episode with my husband one night, I felt like Lauren should have won, but I thought it was cute that in the end it seemed that Scotty and Lauren were “in a relationship”. And I thought that his deeply spoken “I love you, baby” was pretty cute too.

- Snuggling in bed with the husband…and then crashing into a deep sleep approximately two seconds later.

Half day for me tomorrow! Have a very happy Thursday! :)


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