Sweet, Sugary Candy

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Does this title remind anyone else of The Office episode where Michael thinks up the "Golden Ticket" idea?! No, anyone?! I personally thought that episode was hilarious. Moving on...

By now I think you realize that despite my attempts to be “extremely healthy” all of the time I tend to indulge in the more delicious foods that life has to offer.
I’m still working on my high protein plan, but just as any “strict” plan goes, at some point I will cheat. This last week has been incredibly busy and sticking to my eating plan has been low on my list of priorities.

There have been one too many celebrations at work lately, in fact, as I type I am enjoying one of the most delicious cinnamon sugar muffins I have ever had, thank you very much, cancelled business meeting, and I just did a terrible job at meal planning this week with all of the excitement surrounding M. getting his job. I know, lame excuse, but it is what it is.

Luckily for me (but I'm sure I won't be lucky for long) I’ve only gained about a pound and a half back from eating all of this junk. I know that this weekend is going to be filled with delicious food too – we’re going to be in the south again – I can guarantee there WILL be Chick-fil-A eaten.

So in an effort to not "put on a front" and pretend I don’t like (or eat) delicious (and calorie filled) foods, I figured today I would give you my top 5 candy picks. Who doesn’t like candy anyway?

1. The York Peppermint Pattie; When I was younger and would make the trip to the grocery store with my mom, she would sometimes buy us a “treat” at the checkout line. My choice would typically vary, but when my mom would participate in the “treat” buying for herself she would always reach for a York Peppermint Pattie. Of course, this would always confuse me because I thought, “who would want to eat peppermint over caramel or chocolate mousse?” Many years later I now understand what all of the hype was about. York Peppermint Patties are one of my top candy picks now because they combination of dark chocolate and peppermint inside is amazing. Every time I eat one now, I always think of my mom and remember the days in the car driving home from the grocery store. It’s sort of a nostalgic thing for me…I like it. Isn’t it funny the kind of memories we have about odd things like candy bars?!

2. Hershey’s Cookies n’ Cream Bar; Did you know that one of the first things M. made fun of me for when we first started dating was over the fact that I call Hershey’s bars, “chocolate bars”? He got such a kick out of the way I would say it – chocolate bar. I don’t really see what’s so funny, but he would always repeat it in a sort of goofy voice after I said it. ANYWAY – The Hershey’s Cookies n’ Cream Bar was an excellent invention. When you’re in the mood for chocolate, but not a full on…Snickers Bar, for example, you can pick up one of these chocolate bars and enjoy creamy (fake) chocolate taste and just a hint of crunchy cookies. I’m all about it.

3. Haribo Original Gummi Bears; I didn’t really grow up eating these. I mean, on occasion I am sure I enjoyed a gummi bear here or there, but it wasn’t really a big candy in the south. That was until I moved here to New York. It seems like gummi bears are a bit of a staple candy here. I have no idea why and of course, I could be wrong, but I see them literally EVERYWHERE. The market near our apartment has an entire Haribo “wall” and everytime I go in to pick up that signature bag of original gummi bears, there is usually only one bag left or they’re sold out completely. Of course, the empty hanger is surrounded by all of the other “weird” gummi creations like gummi fruit jellies and sour peach gummis. I was definitely missing out all of those years because now I am totally addicted to the things.

4. Kit Kat; If you read my blog AT ALL during the time that I was living abroad in London you know that I am OBSESSED with the British version of this candy bar (the British version actually has a higher cocoa content than the US version). Unfortunately, I can’t have the British Kit Kat everyday so instead, I settle for the American take on the candy bar. It would drive my younger sister crazy when I'd eat one of these around her because I actually have a very SPECIFIC way that I eat my Kit Kat bars and she always thought it was so stupid. I would always explain to her the “proper” way to eat a Kit Kat (and she would just roll her eyes). If you must know my process – you take a small bite of the bar, let all of the chocolate melt off in your mouth, then (with the bar still in your mouth) you take apart the layers, eat the cocoa off of the layers and then finally crunch your way through those wafers. Too much information? Maybe, but I didn’t want you eating a Kit Kat the wrong way. This method will change your life.

5. Mounds; I know, I know, start with a weird one and end with a weird one. I think that coconut and coconut flavor is a seriously polarizing food. People either LOVE IT or they absolutely HATE IT. As you can see, I am in the camp of LOVE IT and I will try anything with a heavy sprinkling of flaked coconut. Coconut cake? Yes, please! Coconut ice cream? Yum. Pina Coladas? Now I’m drooling. I’m into the stuff which is why I am into the Mounds chocolate bar. Sure, I’ll take the Almond Joy on occasion, but I love that pure coconut flavor encased in dark chocolate.

Alright, so there you have it. My top five candy picks. Now I know that you all have a favorite candy too and it’s Thursday so I know you’re all looking for an excuse to procrastinate at work until Friday afternoon rolls around, so please share – I’d love to know! I think candy can say a lot about a person. I mean look at all of the odd stories I have attached to my candy selections! Do you have any interesting memories or stories associated with your favorites too?!

Have a fabulous Thursday!


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