Reflections on Mother's Day

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Mother's Day is always bittersweet for me.
I spend lot's of time focusing on my own dear Mom
and try so hard to ignore my own heartache.

I have suffered many miscarriages. I have cried many
many tears. I will never know the joy of holding my own baby
in my arms.

I have been badly hurt by the uncaring words of others.
An in-law told me that I must have done something
terrible in another life and am being punished in this one.
She actually took pleasure from these words to me and
reinforced it by sending me a book on reincarnation
and underlined every passage she though pertained
to my situation.

It's been a tough path, but the pain has eased a bit.
I have had help from those who have experienced their own losses.
I have spent many hours volunteering for children's programs
at schools and libraries.
I have mentored a troubled young girl.

I have focused on what I have, rather than what I have missed.
And I have dear little Bentley.

To all of you who are mothers ~ I wish you the happiest of
days. Hug your son or daughter and know how truly
blessed you are.

This weekend please visit

Bentley sends you all lot's of kisses!

Susan and Bentley


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