
Posted by follow me On 0 comments
....the short post for today!

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today...I caught a sore throat/cold/cough from my lovely hubby and with that, at least today, comes a lack of inspiration to write.

I will say that we had an absolutely wonderful and relaxing weekend and I hope that you did too!
Just a quick snapshot of things brightening my day today...while I'm not a huge fan of Coach purses anymore, I am LOVING my new bottle of Coach Poppy perfume. Isn't that little coral bow just the most adorable thing ever?! I think this bottle of perfume is beautiful and the scent is sweet and fresh!

Also, with their season coming to an end far too vase of peonies (picked up at the market this weekend) is making me quite happy. I can't wait to see all of the blossoms in full bloom!

What's brightening your day today?


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