Diet Coke City collection - a tie-in too far for Nails Inc?

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As you already know, unless you live in a cave or have selective nail-polish-blindness, there is currently a Nails Inc/Diet Coke promotion on at Boots. When you buy two 500ml bottles of Diet Coke, you get one of the four special edition polishes above for free. The shades are (L - R); London, Paris, New York, Milan.

We received Paris and Milan to check out, and I've been wearing them (one on each hand, high-school style) for the past few days. Like all Nails Inc polishes I've tried, the wear is outstanding, application is easy and satisfying and the colours are rich and deep. The same is true of London, which I picked up for myself in Boots. I don't even like Diet Coke, but I saw Get Lippie wearing it when I last saw her and it's too good a colour to pass up for less than £2.

Which brings me to my one misgiving. I think Nails Inc make great products, but I worry slightly about their current penchant for giveaways. First on the front of magazines (most recently 3 exclusive colours for InStyle's June edition) and now with soft drinks. These polishes are supposed to be worth £10.50 a bottle - but how seriously can you take that price bracket when they're literally giving away full size products en masse, on a regular basis?

It's basic psychology - if you put two things together, and do it enough times, you get an association. Your brand becomes synonymous with free things. "£10.50?" says your consumer, "for something that comes free with a soft drink? I don't think so."

I Just hope Nails Inc haven't walked so far down the giveaway path that they can't find their way back again.


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