It's time to catch up with the circle of fabulousness. My friends have been testing, slathering and swatching, and they have insights and photos to prove it:
Kari at Fabulous Over Forty gave us a preview of Kate Somerville's new book, Complexion Perfection. In her book, Kate shares her own stories about the skin-care business, her struggles with eczema, and her eponymous skin care. Head over to Fabulous Over Forty to read more. Bet you'll want to read Kate's book!
Kelly at Gouldylox Reviews has the fabulous Hana Professional Flat Iron from Missiko to give away! You have to see how good her hair looked after a trial run. Then enter, friends! This is the crème de la crème of flat irons.
It was Giorgio Armani Beauty week at Best Things in Beauty. Charlestongirl interviewed Tim Quinn, Celebrity Face Designer, and showcased the line's summer makeup introductions. See why she's smitten with Armani!
Speaking of Giorgio Armani Beauty, KarlaSugar at The Next Best Thing to Going Shopping Yourself swatched Armani's powder blushers. Check them out. There's a lesson too. Colors come and go, so if you love one, buy it before it's gone!
What have the gals at BeautyXposé been up to? Testing Ole Henriksen’s Anti-Aging Perfecting Mask. Sounds like 10 minutes of tingling can add up to smooth, soft skin.
Lianne at The Makeup Girl has a new favorite eye cream: Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado. Sounds good enough to eat!
Felicia, with a brand new site design at ThisThatBeauty, has been writing a series on hyperpigmentation. Who over 30 doesn't have a touch of that? Her latest installment on DERMAdoctor's Immaculate Conception is a must-read!
Laurie at Product Girl shared her five NARS must-haves! She did the testing for you. Want to share your NARS favorites? Just leave a comment.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. It's been absolutely gorgeous here in North Jersey and even my allergies are winding down, which is a very good thing- antihistamines do weird things to my mind- I've been having wacky dreams starring Jean-Claude Elena and David Boreanaz.
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