Wedding Workout Progress

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With my bridal portraits coming up on April 9th I am testing out my “two weeks before the wedding” exercise and diet plan. Really, I won’t be changing anything in my workout routine the two weeks before the wedding (unless in the time before then I feel like I should run one or two more miles a day – we’ll see, but don’t count on it!) except I may start doing light yoga in the mornings, but I will be changing my diet. As it is now I am eating “regularly.” During the week I watch what I eat; I don’t eat a lot of carbs or fatty foods and I rarely eat dessert, and on the weekends I allow myself to eat pretty much whatever I want (on the weekends M. and I usually eat out). This will definitely change the two weeks or maybe even a month prior to the wedding. During this “home-stretch” before the wedding I plan on doing a high-protein diet – lots of grilled chicken and vegetables. I’ll also probably cut out processed foods such as the granola bar I usually eat for lunch during the workweek. I’ll also make sure that I am getting my 8 glasses of water a day and the most sugar I’ll be eating will come from the natural sugar in fruit.

Wow – now that I type it out it sounds pretty intense! As vain as it may be, it’s extremely important to me that I look my best on my wedding day (I mean, what girl wouldn’t want to look their best on the biggest day of their life!?). Plus, we’re spending a large portion of our budget on photography and videography – it’s important to me that when I go to view all of our wedding pictures that I don’t say to myself “man, I wish I would’ve lost those last 5 pounds” (even though the last 5 are usually the hardest).

I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ve been doing the Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred everyday after work with M. We’d been on level 1 and stayed there for about 2 ½ weeks. We decided that we’d definitely mastered the first level so we moved on to level 2 this past Monday. WOAH! Level two isn’t just a little step up from level one…it’s a GIANT LEAP! It’s been intense these last few days, but after going through the workout yesterday afternoon I could already feel that I was getting stronger in the different moves.

And not to “toot my own horn,” but today I am wearing a dress that I fit into in High School – and no, that isn’t an April Fool’s joke.

2 months and 18 days ladies!! I couldn't be more excited!!! :)

I hope you’re all having a fabulous Thursday! :)


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