My Parents "Spring" Visit - Part II

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Monday, Monday! I hope that you all have a wonderful start to your week. We had a busy weekend with my parents being in town and it was so much fun spending time with them!

Friday after work we met my parents for a quick dinner before making our way over to the theater district for a little show...the Addams Family on Broadway! Just as I expected (although, I wasn't COMPLETELY sure what to expect) it was very, very interesting! :) It was a fun show and the star, the girl who played "Wednesday" had a beautiful voice and was really fun to listen to. I think my favorite part of the show was the set. I'm always amazed by the creative minds that the set designers must have and the way that they design the pieces to move and change around during the show - very cool! Of course I made my mom take a "mirror picture" in the bathroom. We coordinated in our all black ensembles so it really only made sense that we take a photo! :)

After the show finished up we walked over to the Shake Shack for a quick bite of dessert. I went with the flavor of the day which was "fluffernutter" and it was AWESOME. I've actually been kind of disappointed by Shake Shack's flavors of the day lately, but this one hit it out of the park - yum! We made plans for the next morning and called it a night after our dessert, and we ended up walking home since the weather, although rainy and gross earlier in the day, ended up being really nice and mild later in the evening.

Saturday morning we slept in a little bit and then met my parents at a breakfast place around 10:30am. We enjoyed our morning pick-me-up coffee and orange juice and then headed off. We decided to split up for the day and our husbands went off for some fun things in Brooklyn while my mom and I shopped around the city. We started in Greenwich Village and although we didn't do much shopping there, we did come across the most BEAUTIFUL tabletop shop with gorgeous floral arrangements. Of course I needed to take a picture of the gorgeous perfume spread and pink and green arrangement. We loved looking at the gorgeous china and tabletop accessories and the owner of the store was also super nice.

We ended up shopping around Prince Street hopping in and out of stores. I finally purchased my pink lipstick at Bloomingdales. I ended up going with Laura Mercier’s new gel lip color in “Dollface”. It’s definitely a pop of pink, but the color is a “gel” color which lets you layer for more pigment or just do a light swipe for a hint of color. So far I absolutely love it!

The weather was BEAUTIFUL on Saturday and we were in the mood for ice cream. We searched the streets for a Mister Softee truck, but didn’t have any luck. Instead we opted for Pinkberry (a personal favorite of mine). I tried the Lychee + Lime flavor with coconut flakes….mmmm….I’m still thinking about that delicious cup of yogurt – it was THAT good.

Before heading back to the apartment, my mom and I popped in the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner that night. We decided that cooking for their last night would be the best, especially with the basketball games on! We made our usual easy dinner – pasta with red sauce, a parmesan/garlic baguette, and a yummy salad. Paired with the delicious wine that my dad brought over (Le Crema….my fav.) it was the perfect meal to end a fun visit with my parents. We made dessert too! Angel food cake with raspberry cream and strawberries (didn’t have any raspberries!). Delish.

It was sad to say goodbye since we had such a great time with them. Before I could let them leave, I had to have my dad take a picture with the giant box of spring/summer clothing that they packed and brought with them on the plane for me. You would never believe how much stuff is in that one box. Space bags are my savior! :)

Yesterday we had a relaxing day since we were going, going, going while my parents were here. We slept in, had a light lunch, M. indulged me in round two of Pinkberry (yes, I am that obsessed with this Lychee flavor) and we went to Macy’s to see their beautiful Flower displays. It was overwhelming the number of people that were in Macy’s yesterday….now that I think of it, Macy’s is ALWAYS overwhelming, but the displays were absolutely beautiful. M. even kind of enjoyed it….ok, maybe not, but I caught him smiling once! :)

Have a wonderful week everyone!


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