Mini Porch Metamorphosis

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Little by little I have been adding things and freshening existing items to our front porch. While you all down south have been fluffing and fixin', we gals up in the Pacific Northwest have been running in between rain drops and doing the best we can. I am just itching with anticipation for getting the porch ready for neighbors and friends to visit! So, on Saturday I found this old stained bucket with legs and decided to get out the spray can and give it a revival.

Here it is in all it's glory! I know, these violas are tiny but will be growing soon (I hope) and will bring a bring their bright cheery little faces to the porch until the warmer weather hits. I have more plans for the porch, so don't be a stranger! In the meantime, please go visit the other Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday!

Susan and Bentley


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