Busy, Busy Bee - Weekend Recap

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Our weekend in North Carolina was really perfect! When we left on Thursday afternoon we encountered some bad weather on our way and ended up stopping at a J.Crew distribution center for about an hour – this certainly wasn’t anything I minded. I ended up scoring some great loot – two skirts, two silk blouses, two beautiful necklaces, and two little accessories for $150! I was thrilled because I haven’t had a J.Crew fix for a while now. We ended up getting home around 9:30 and going to bed relatively early since I had to be up bright and early the next morning to get ready for my bridal portraits.

After pictures all day we enjoyed dinner with my mom and dad at a local restaurant that M. and I really love. The restaurant has a “bar and grill” type atmosphere and it was so nice to enjoy a little junk food after being so healthy the two weeks prior to the pictures.

After dinner, M. and I got ready for an event held by his law school. Since M. is studying his final year at Georgetown Law it was nice catching up with many of his friends/groomsman in North Carolina – the band at the event was also great!! :)

Saturday morning I was up early again so that my mom and I could work on a few wedding tasks before our tasting at our reception site (more on this tomorrow). M. and I had picked the music pieces that we liked from a sample CD that was provided to us by our ceremony musicians so my mom and I went through our “favorites” list to try and place the different pieces to the different processionals and moments during the ceremony. It was quite funny because as we were trying to listen to our “favorites” on my computer my dad was outside trying to clean off our outside porch with a leaf blower (there’s a lot of pollen right now in NC!). My dad of course had no idea what we were trying to do so we laughed at the fact that he just happened to pick that spot to clean right as we were listening to beautiful classical music.

That night my sister decided to make a quick visit home from school so we ordered pizza (even though we were completely full from our tasting earlier in the afternoon) and gabbed at the dinner table.
Sunday morning we were up early once again to work on wedding tasks. The first thing on our list was a meeting with our wedding planners (or really, our day of coordinators) over at our reception site. It was my first time meeting them (we have two fabulous girls) and the whole meeting was SUPER helpful. We basically went through every detail of the reception décor so that the planners will know how to set everything up! After our meeting with the planners we went and drove the route that our guests will drive from the church to the reception site so that I can design the ‘directions’ cards to slip in our programs at the ceremony.

We made our way back home to meet my hair stylist for the day of the wedding to make sure that our ‘space’ (a.k.a my parents house) would be bright enough for him to work in on the day of the wedding. We’ve decided to have everything stationed at my house for my bridal party – hair, makeup, getting dressed. This way we won’t be running around all morning and we can just enjoy the company while we’re all getting ready! :) Luckily he approved and we’re all set for him to arrive at 7:15 am (bleck!) on the day of the wedding. The early start time is the only downfall of a Catholic wedding. Finally, we made our way to the local Kinko’s store to have the favor tags that I designed printed on the sticker paper that my mom bought. They came out cuter than expected – I absolutely love them – and I give M. all of the credit for coming up with the adorable phrasing!

Another productive weekend and only a few more before the wedding! :)


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