Yesterday evening we were lucky enough to attend a blogger event hosted by Boots No7, who are currently celebrating a year since the launch of their clinical-trial-milestone
Protect and Perfect Intense serum. (Apparently one of these sells every 3 seconds, so it seems that the buzz shows no signs of slowing down.) The event was for
Handpicked Media members, so there were a lot of familiar faces as well as some new people to meet.
It was quite a special evening at a truly spectacular venue -
Aqua Nueva in Regent Street. On arrival, we were transported to the top floor of the building via lift, and then led through a spacious sprawl of bars, dining spaces and luxuriously lit corridors before emerging onto a sunlit roof terrace, where bloggers frolicked among testers, champagne glasses and canapes.
We have been priveleged in numerous ways since we started blogging, and all of them beyond our expectations, but the No7 event was probably the most "wow aren't we lucky?!" I have felt since the whole thing began. It helped that it was a beautiful warm spring evening. Here's a couple of pictures of the view from the terrace.
Gemma and I both partook of the complimentary makeover service, and I was given a spot of contouring by makeup artist Julie. As she worked, she told me that a proportion of No7 staff are trained in makeup by lead artist Lisa Eldridge. There are around 40 of these artists in stores around the country, and their expertise is available to customers free of charge. This was new information to me - I always assumed that No7 counter staff were just sales assistants.
There were also manicures available, and by the end of the evening most of us were sporting the
latest Speed Dry colours on our fingers. Here's "Poolside Blue" modelled by a divinely tanned Handpicker (whose name I've rather rubbishly forgotten);
We also got a look at the brand new
75th Anniversary collection. I have to say the packaging doesn't really wow me, but the concept behind the collection is genius. There are products to recreate looks from each decade since the No7 line began - from Forties to Noughties. My favourite has to be the fluoro 80's concept - coral, turquoise and lime green eyeshadow with a red/orange lip. There's also a very attractive anniversary palette with eye, lip and cheek colours. This collection was first announced back in February so you'll probably have seen the details on other blogs already, but it was news to us! I'm quite happy to hear I'll be able to get hold of these products straight away.
Sorry for the random glasses etc. in the pictures...
And finally - here's a bit of interior design that had both me and
Virtues of Beauty dawdling to get pictures on the way out. This giant bull rears out of the wall at the end of a long mirrored corridor with heavy sliding automatic doors at each end. He's a bit breathtaking. Hi bull!
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