A "Diamond" in the "Rough"

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New York is an awesome and fun place to live. While awesome and fun, New York is NOT a clean place.

The other day, I was talking to M. during our walk home from grocery shopping about how New York is SO MUCH dirtier than our old home in DC. Granted, they are COMPLETELY different cities, but it’s funny, because when we lived in DC we literally lived in the most picturesque little area right by the Capitol. Of course, it helps that we were right near one of the most famous buildings in the United States, but still, the streets were always clean with very little trash and there were plants and trees. Who knew I would miss the plants and trees so much?! Thank goodness for Central Park and the Riverfront!

Anyway, yesterday evening we decided to take a quick walk outside around our building. As we walked down the sidewalk we passed piece of trash after piece of trash; An empty plastic bag, a torn up pizza box, a dirty rag…you name it, we probably walked by it. As much as I would like to be helpful to the environment and pick up this trash (today does mark the beginning of Earth Week everyone!), I wasn’t wearing any protective gloves AND I really wonder if it would actually help. There are so many people here in NYC that I have seen just throw their trash wherever they like while walking down the street. Oh, you’re finished with that piece of gum…just chuck it behind you. Have a wrapper from a sandwich? Just throw it towards the corner of a building. I’m sure that there are some people (AHEM – including ME!) that actually use the trashcans that are provided on the street corners, but it’s sad that so many people feel like it’s OK to just throw trash wherever they want just because the city is “already dirty”.

BUT – throwing trash around the city is NOT why I am writing this post this morning. Well, I guess it kind of is in a way. On our walk yesterday evening I was commenting on how much junk there was on the ground when suddenly…the light shone just perfectly on….a $20 bill. Yep. Twenty bucks. Of course I scrambled and ran after it because it was windy and I was afraid it was going to blow away! No one was around us, but of course I looked around just in case “What Would You Do?” cameras suddenly popped up from behind the scaffolding we were near to catch me in the act of their set up to see what someone would do when a twenty dollar bill is lying in the street. Luckily, they didn’t.

So the lesson today? The city may be dirty, but sometimes you’ll find a “diamond” in all of that rough.

Have any of you ever found money like that?! This was the first time it has ever happened to me! Needless to say I was pretty excited about it!


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