Happy Spring everyone!! I guess NYC didn't quite get the memo that Spring weather should mean sunny with a slight breeze...it's pretty gross here today - rainy and gray...in fact, there were even just some snow flurries floating by my window. Sheesh! Luckily we had the chance to enjoy some beautiful weather this past weekend.
Friday evening we made dinner and then took a walk (the weather was BEAUTIFU
L). We ended up getting milkshakes as a fun dessert and then headed home to, you guessed it, watch a few episodes of LOST. We're now on season five and I'm still on the edge of my seat with all that's been going on. We also watched a movie on Friday night, State of Play with Russell Crowe and Rachel McAdams (I always like her!). We really liked it!
Saturday morning we slept in (ahhh...so nice!) and then headed into the cit
y for some errands. I never did get to Bed Bath & Beyond (maybe next weekend), but we did enjoy a leisurely lunch together and a great walk around the city.
Just like I said we would, we made a stop by the Shake Shack to try out the Saturday flavor of the day - Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel. I got a double (two scoops) to share with M. and while I was expecting something amazing, I must admit I was a tad bit disappointed -- good, but not great. We also had the chance on Saturday evening to see the
"SUPER MOON" with an absolutely FABULOUS view of New York City!
After a long walk on S unday afternoon we watched the Carolina game, the start of the Duke game and then neatened up the apartment. I did a bunch of laundry -- including our bedding (don't you LOVE clean sheet day?!)
and watched the Dateline special on Princess Diana and the Royal Wedding. I loved seeing all of the footage of London and reminiscing about my time spent there and learning a lot about the Royal Wedding -- things I never knew! I loved the special - it was the perfect thing for a Sunday evening.
I also gave myself a lovely Spring manicure using a new shade th
at I picked up while we were running our errands. It's a cheapie, Revlon ($6.99) in"Cloud". It's a sort of light blue/lavender color an d I'm LOVING it -- it's a very fresh and stand out shade.
I just realized I never went by the post office to pick up those flat rate boxes I mentioned on Friday so I'll definitely need to do that this week...obviously I was completely lazy this weekend.
What did all of you get into this weekend? Happy Monday!
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