With the beginning of March here to stay (please bring on the
SPRING TIME WEATHER!) I am happy to report that I’m going to be focusing this month on ME.
Yep – you read that correctly…in all of its “ALL ABOUT ME” glory. At the start of a new year everyone is focused on well being and making “changes” and while that is wonderful and I partake in a lot of the goal making and change promising myself,
I’ve decided that March is the perfect month to revitalize those original goals by really focusing in on who I am, the person who I want to be and the type of life I want to live and how I evolve and change every single day. Of course January is a great month to start anew, but can’t March be too?!
I’m aptly naming this “idea” March for Me and I plan on taking advantage of this beautiful pre-spring month with a list of different ideas and activities that will hopefully help me understand myself better and also continue to aid in the process of reaching my new year goals while also making new ones for myself…and of course having fun along the way!All are welcome to participate in this
"March for Me" plan and
I highly encourage each and every one of you to take the time out of your busy schedules to do at least one of these things over the course of the next four weeks…so here it is…a short and not totally complete, mis-mashed list of ideas and ways that I am going to focus on “ME”….of course I’m sure there will be more that I come up with as the month p
rogresses…- Do an at home facial
- Eat at least three servings of fresh fruit or vegetables a day
- Write a letter (an actual letter and not an email) to someone you love
- Go out to lunch with a group of girlfriends
- Give yourself a fresh manicure and pedicure each Sunday (try picking a new color each week)
- Exercise not for the goal of losing weight, but instead for the fact that it keeps you energized
- Spend two hours one evening organizing – a drawer in your home, some shelves, or even your entire closet, you’ll be amazed at how the fresh look of things and the ease of finding things can lift your mood.
- Stretch. Even if you’re not big on exercising, take twenty minutes each evening to do some stretching. It relieves tired muscles which can be invigorating.
- Host a party. Ok, maybe not a huge soirée, but why not a small get together with friends at your place? Theme or no theme, planning and organizing an “event” will be a fun activity.

- If you’re not so much into hosting a party, then plan a special meal for you and your significant other or your best friend. Spending quality time with people that you love is the best!
- Purchase a new lip gloss or small makeup item. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive product in the world, but buy one new “thing” to reward yourself and to make yourself feel pretty!
- In addition to the previous bullet, always remind yourself that you’re beautiful and strong
- Try and tackle two projects that you’ve been putting off – today is the day!
- Add something pretty to your living space – maybe it’s a new shelf accessory or maybe a new painting – heck, go out and get the materials and paint something yourself!
- Constantly remind yourself of what type of person you are and how you want to live your life. Avoid getting into those depressing ruts that can often overtake the positive things in life!
Spring is just around the corner everyone! La Vie en Rose! :)
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