I had a somewhat slow day at work yesterday so I scheduled a bunch of wedding things. This weekend we’re doing our cake tasting! I am excited to try out the flavors and pick something for the big day! Choosing (and trying) the cake flavors will be really fun I am sure – M. and I have been looking forward to this meeting for a while now! :)
I also scheduled our menu tasting for our reception and I am waiting for confirmation from my photographer on the date of my bridal portrait session. Things are definitely getting checked off the list now!
On a completely different subject, the topic of this post today…
I LOVE doing my running during my lunch break. It’s such a nice break from the work day and since I usually take my lunch around 1:30 or 2:00 by the time I am finished at get back to my desk, the work day is almost over!!
Speaking of working out... I noticed something interesting today…I am a member of facebook like many of you probably are and ever since I posted my relationship status as “engaged” all of the ads on the side of my facebook are always “wedding” related and even more specifically “wedding diets” related. These ads and all of the other ads (i.e. the radio ad I hear everyday telling me that I could
be “high school skinny”) relating to “quick” weight loss solutions just make me laugh.
I also scheduled our menu tasting for our reception and I am waiting for confirmation from my photographer on the date of my bridal portrait session. Things are definitely getting checked off the list now!
On a completely different subject, the topic of this post today…
I LOVE doing my running during my lunch break. It’s such a nice break from the work day and since I usually take my lunch around 1:30 or 2:00 by the time I am finished at get back to my desk, the work day is almost over!!
Speaking of working out... I noticed something interesting today…I am a member of facebook like many of you probably are and ever since I posted my relationship status as “engaged” all of the ads on the side of my facebook are always “wedding” related and even more specifically “wedding diets” related. These ads and all of the other ads (i.e. the radio ad I hear everyday telling me that I could

I haven't always been so happy with the way that my body looks (like every girl, I am sure). In high school I played SO MANY sports (Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Tennis, Swim Team) and this of course meant that I was very trim and skinny. Once I started college some of that changed. I still spent time playing sports (mostly sorority club teams), but I certainly wasn't skinny any longer. I gained some weight (10-15 pounds) no doubt from all of the poor eating, late night eating, and well, going out with my friends. I was by no means "fat," but I realized I had officially entered those years that people always told me about in high school. You know, when they would say....
"Gosh, you can eat so much and never gain any weight -- that certainly doesn't last forever!" I would always just smile thinking that they were crazy.
Well "they" weren't crazy after all. Some girls are blessed with the highest metabolism's possible, but it's true, as us women get older we need to be more concious of what we eat in order to keep our bodies at the weight we want.
Also, since college I've struggled with the fact that I have such broad shoulders (I swear they popped up from all of the butterfly on school and summer swim team!) and "big" arms. To me these are two things that I have always hated on my body.
I say all of this to say that I am FINALLY happy with my body. I run everyday not just to keep trim for my upcoming wedding, but also so that I can be healthy. It’s taken me a long time to “love” my arms and broad back and I still don’t love them, but I am OK with them – I guess I have finally realized that I am beautiful and unique in my own way – just like every woman. It really is important to love all things "you"...it makes life a whole lot happier!!
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