Happy Tuesday!! Last night I started working on photoshop to design the tag for our favors at the wedding. I don’t think I’ve introduced you all to the favor that we’ll be giving out at the wedding so I figured today would be a good day for that.

M. and I thought about many different options for favors and we decided that we definitely wanted to give our guests something edible. There are so many cute edible favors out there for weddings: jelly beans in little jars in colors that match your scheme (just like
Melissa did for her wedding!), pretty frosted sugar cookies (I actually helped assemble some of these for my cousin John’s wedding – he and his wife are now getting ready to have their first baby!!) (are these initial sugar cookies from Weddibles shown to the right beautiful!) and fun (full) cand

y bars with varieties of different candies for your guests to bag themselves. We decided to do something a little different; although I'm positive that it has been done before.
For our favor we're going to have fresh Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts for all of our guests at the end of the evening!!
We picked the Krispy Kreme (original glazed) doughnut for a couple of reasons…
1. My mom saw a wedding in a magazine that used this same favor and had it packaged ADORABLY!
2. It pays homage to our “Southern Roots.”
3. I spent my entire high school career being surrounded by all things Krispy Kreme (I even played baske

tball in a gym named after the doughnut company)!!
4. M. and I love fresh, hot, original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts (honestly, who doesn’t?!)
5. After spending months working hard at these “pre-wedding workouts/eating healthy” I will be more than excited about eating (and deserving of) a doughnut…or two.
We’ve gone back and forth on how we’re going to package the treats, but I am pretty sure we’re going to have the doughnuts delivered that evening and have our wedding planners put two doughnuts in little ivory boxes adorned with a cute customized tag. We'll most likely have the planners stack (in a pretty way of course) the little treat boxes on the main table in the rotunda so that when the guests start to leave they can pick up a late-night snack on their way out! After I am finished designing the tag I will definitely share!
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