I love Daylight savings time....just not this morning. Unfortunately I was lazy and instead of dragging myself out of bed for my workout I surrendered to the softness of my pillow and my warm comforter and slept in.
Oops!This weekend was wonderful here in NYC -- packed with fun things to do and new places to see, but of course it all went by way too quickly. After a relatively slow day at work on Friday I headed home to meet my husband. We were going to enjoy a delicious, meat free pasta dish for our meal, but at the last second I decided that I really wanted pizza. Half

cheese half pepperoni it was. We stuffed ourselves with pizza and watched a bunch of LOST episodes -- the show is getting better and better!! We went to bed relatively early for a Friday night because we knew the next day we wanted to explore in the city.
Saturday morning we woke up and got in a great workout before heading out into the city. M. has never been to Little Italy so we figured that would be the perfect spot (hello delicious chocolate chip cannoli!) to enjoy our afternoon. The weather was actually quite nice -- I was warm enough in a light sweater and blazer with a pashmina -- and Little Italy was absolutely

There were so many other people out and about enjoying the day too!
We thought it would be nice to walk through Greenwich Village on our way to Little Italy and I absolutely
LOVED the window display at the
Bond no. 9 NYC store.
Pink and green roses everywhere -- so pretty! Once we arrived in Little Italy we decided to stop for a quick (and light) bite to eat. We grabbed a slice of pizza which was pretty good (anywhere you get pizza in NYC it's always at least "pretty good") and explored the area a little bit.
Of course I got a kick out of all the cheesy "Italian" hosts standing outside trying to convince us that
their Italian restaurant is the best of all -- it sort of reminded me of our trip to the ACTUAL Italy...sort of! :)I told M. that I wasn't leaving without having a chocolate chip cannoli (YUM) and so we popped into one cafe to grab one to go. They ended up sprinkling a
TON of powdered sugar all over the top which caused a bit of a mess. We found a little corner to get away from the crowds so I could stand and eat my dessert. Turned out to be a little windy on that corner which caused a massive powdered sugar

problem....all over the ground, all over my blue jacket, all over my purse....and all over my face. M. was getting a little camera happy and caught some really flattering photos of me eating my confection....REALLY flattering. :)
After we spent some time in Little Italy we decided to walk back to our place. The sun was

REALLY shining and it was warming everything up even more. We decided to walk down some streets we haven’t yet walked down (it’s always fun exploring new routes home!) and of course came across some fun shopping and restaurants. We finally arrived home and relaxed for a while (I took a short nap!) before getting ready for our fun evening dinner plans!
It must have just been an “Italian” weekend all the way around (pizza Friday, visiting Little Italy on Saturday afternoon) because M. had made us reservations at a fun Italian restaurant – Basso 56. It was our first time trying this Italian restaurant, but it certainly did not disappoint! One thing I will mention is that they should look into getting a new hostess. She did not smile once and when we first arrived she sort of just stared at us

without really “inviting” us in or asking how she could help.
I always find it funny when hosts act this way. Shouldn’t they be smiling and warm!? Just a thought Basso. Aside from the odd hostess, the meal was absolutely delicious and our waiter was wonderful. We decided on the whole artichoke with Italian bread crumbs, parmesan, white wi

ne, butter and mint. It was delicious and beautiful, but it certainly isn’t the easiest thing to eat…or the tidiest. For our main courses I chose what our waiter said was a “signature” dish at the restaurant which is a
lobster crepe concoction surrounded by a creamy tomato sauce. It was
DELICIOUS. I was expecting just a little lobster meat, but these things were packed and the flavor was amazing. M. enjoyed the
veal with mushrooms in a delicious Marsala sauce. The meal not only looked beautiful, but also tasted amazing. I tried a bite of one of his mushrooms and it was so scrumptious. Instead of each indulging in dessert, we decided to split something –
ocolate cake – a natural choice for M. and of course I didn't mind one bit. It was delicious as most chocolate cake is!
Overall, Basso 56 was a great date night restaurant and the atmosphere was also quite nice. We walked home and before we knew it we were back on the couch watching LOST. I swear people, I am obsessed! We finished season three and have watched a few episodes from season four too.
morning I woke up and got to work on my “spring cleaning” (my "March for Me" activity that I've been putting off, but finally wanted to accomplish!) My closet was an absolute wreck and M. was starting to not like that I was using our kitchen table chairs (and practically the entire apartment) as my second closet. I too was getting annoyed with the mess and decided that something had to be done about it.
In typical me fashion, I pulled everything out and started fresh. My cousin K. should be pleased when she receives three big boxes in the mail full of clothing, shoes, and accessories that no longer fit or no longer fit into my lifestyle here. I also created a big bag of clothing to sell on eBay (come on new spring clothes!!) and a bag to bring to Goodwill too. I packed up a lot of my winter wear since the temps here are finally starting to stabilize, but of course kept out a few of the light sweaters just in case we still have some chilly days….which I have no doubt we will. I started to organize my bathroom cabinet as well which had gotten completely out of order.
So I’m feeling refreshed and
organized, but there are still some things I want to go through and donate/give away/throw away so I will do it slowly and in little bits at a time.I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to get all of my spring clothing and shoes here since it's currently hanging out at my parents house...hmmm.I stayed awake until the end of the Celebrity Apprentice last night, which by the way, I really like Lisa Rinna and I’m sad that she’s already been kicked off, but staying up that late had me totally messed up this morning…I blame the time change on the fact that I didn’t get up to run. Boo.
Luckily there’s a tomorrow…right!?I hope you all had a lovely weekend too! :)
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