Creepy Crawly and Other Tidbits

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Have any of you seen that new-ish commercial for Tropicana?! The one with the little song that basically just sings, "Gooooooood Morning, Good Morning..." (honestly those are the only words I really know). Well let me give you a rundown of how this morning started for me and then I'll just give you a few other tidbits before I get on with my work for the day.

Me at my work desk typing away at the computer working on a special project that needs to be finished up today. Smiling over the fact that it's FINALLY Friday.


Co-worker "E." (She's a little quirky and has the most distinctive laugh. She spent almost the entire day yesterday laughing at something or another and at one point another one of my coworkers gave me a silly look as to say, "I have no idea what's going on with her today!" all in fun of course.) E. begins to walk towards my desk and suddenly lets out a HUGE yelp. This not being anything out of the ordinary for her I didn't immediately think anything of it until I saw her running the other way. I immediately swivel around in my chair and realize that there is a GEEEE-IIIII-ANT roach scurrying towards my chair. I scream, and run towards E. and hide behind a file cabinet.


S. One of the few men who actually work in this office who comes to the rescue and kills the giant bug. *I made sure he didn't throw it away in my trashcan.*

So "Gooooood Morning, Good Morning!" to me! I guess that is what it's like living and working in New York City. Thank God we don't have roaches in our apartment (**KNOCKING ON WOOD INTENSELY***), and no, I do not have any food in my desk drawers. First it was the SNAKE (I don't know if I ever told you about this incident or not, but when I was working in DC for private lobbying firm I picked up my trashcan one day to open a hidden drawer and there was a SNAKE underneath it...not cool, and now this. Seriously, thank goodness it is Friday!

A few other fun tidbits for today...

1. Last night I went on my VERY FIRST blogger meet up! I had so much fun meeting some of the girls behind the blogs that I've been reading for a while now and I am pleased to say that they are just as charming and fun in person as they appear to be on their blogs! I'm hoping that we can make these meet-ups a regular thing! :)

2. For the second day in a row now I've hopped onto the elevator to go to work and this girl decides that it's OK to stand RIGHT in the doorway of the elevator and then when it comes time for someone to step into the elevator she simply moves back a tiny bit, but still stays IMMEDIATELY in front of the door. I find this to be completely rude and can't seem to understand why she thinks this would be OK. If it happens again and there are multiple people in the elevator I think I might make a comment like "No, please, stay right where you are so no one else can get on the elevator."

3. On my commute to work every day I walk past a building that has some kind of kitchen and/or restaurant/cafe on the bottom floor, but there is no sign or indication of such kitchen or restaurant other than a distinct grease-fried food-bacon-egg-and-cheese-bagel type of a smell. Don't get me wrong, I love a bacon, egg and cheese bagel (when I was younger I had a best friend who called them "eggy bagels") as much as the next person, but for some reason this scent is SO RIDICULOUSLY overwhelming in the morning that I find myself almost running past the building - ick.

That's all I've got on my mind this feet are safely off of the floor (I'll be sitting Indian style or with my feet propped on my chair legs for the next two weeks at least because of this morning's scare) and I am literally counting down the hours until the weekend officially begins!

Happy Friday people..*sigh*...Happy Friday!


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