Good morning everyone! I hope that you’re having a bright, sunny day wherever you are. Luckily the sun is shining here so that makes things a little more cheerful. I came into work an hour early this morning to get ahead/finish some things. It’s been another
CRAZY week and I cannot wait until the end of the day on Friday so that I can put all of this behind me and start anew.
I’ve noticed that with the return of my husband and th
e long weekend that we just had, my sleeping patterns have completely changed. I am so ridiculously tired in the mornings that often times, well, actually almost every morning I find myself hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep for just another 10-15 sometimes even 30 minutes.
Of course this means that when I get up I am like a chicken with its head cut off running around the apartment trying to figure out what I’m going to wear for work, putting on makeup and trying to do my hair packing a lunch, etc. I’ve definitely put off the running which I need to stop doing. I actually sort of miss running, but really the only time that I can do it is in the morning since in the evening I am way to tired to get in the mileage that I want to and I also usually use the evening time to do my “strength” workouts.
So a couple of things that I am going to work on doing...1.
Packing my lunch in the evenings. This will save me a good five minutes of rummaging through the kitchen pulling out the necessary items for my lunch each day. I’ve gotten in the good habit of bringing my lunch to work even though the majority of my colleagues buy their lunches every single day. It must be a New York thing, but with the items they purchase for lunch, they must never eat big dinners.
Picking out my outfits for the week on Sunday evenings. During my high school days I literally picked out all of my outfits (even changing my purse everyday) on the Sunday before the week started (we had a relatively strict dress code – Catholic High School – so I had to dress up every day). It NEVER was a problem trying to find something to wear because I was always prepared. I guess now I need to revisit those old outfit planning sessions so that I’m not scrambling in the morning to find the right pieces of clothing.
As much as I am loving snuggling up with my husband in the mornings (I think maybe the bed is even more warm and snuggly with him in it) before work I NEED to pry (FORCE) myself out of bed at the crack of dawn to get my running finished. I know, I’ve said this now for the last month and a half, but enough is really enough. I want to make time for my running and if the only time is first thing in the morning then it’s just gotta be that way. Plus, I really can never complain when I do get in those morning runs….they make me so much more alive and awake for the rest of my day!
Do any of you have any other good tips for making mornings easier?! Thursday, thursday, thursday!!! :)
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