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Is it really Monday already?! I had such a nice, relaxing weekend that I can’t even really believe that I am once again sitting at my desk. So it goes being a grownup in the “real world”. I had some tiny plans for the weekend which included getting a few more things done around the apartment and to my surprise I accomplished 90% of them!

First things first. Friday afternoon I was alerted that a package was waiting for me back at the apartment and I knew immediately that it was my new workout DVD’s. Of course no one wants to work out after work on a FRIDAY, but since I didn’t have anywhere to be or anyone to see I decided to go ahead and test one out. I picked the ab workout because I figured it would be the best start to testing out this new trainer. I handled all of the moves in the first part of the DVD just fine and after it was over I felt like “that wasn’t so bad, I think I’ll do part two too!”.

So part two was definitely more challenging, and while I sat back and learned a few of the exercises I was able to do most of them. After the workout I felt good, but didn’t feel like it really did anything for me. The next morning though, I could definitely feel sore in the parts of my abdominals that I obviously must not workout very much! I’m hooked and can’t wait to master this DVD! It’s short – probably a total of 30 (?) minutes altogether. The perfect amount for only focusing on abdominal work. Tonight I’ll be attempting the other Jackie Warner DVD I ordered, the timesaver training one which I’ve read is intense. I’ll be sure to let you know!

After the workout I had a quick shower and enjoyed a quick bite to eat and snacked on one of my favorites, hummus and pita chips. Since I wanted to reorganize a little bit in the kitchen (I’ve found that now that we’ve been living in the apartment for about 3 months the way I originally had some things organized is not actually they best way considering how we live day-to-day.) I needed something to keep me occupied in the background. Since my beloved Friday Night Light’s is just about finished (I’m saving the last five episodes of season four since we’ll have to wait for season five) I decided to pick a new show. I ended up picking out a couple of shows to (eventually) watch, but ultimately chose the ABC Family show “GREEK” for this weekend.

I was a sorority girl and went to a school that was very much “into” sorority and fraternity life, but this show is just hilarious. The drama, parties, and Greek life that the actors portray on this show is just perfect – mindless TV – I love it. Which reminds me, did any of you ever watch the reality show Sorority Girls on MTV (I think that is what it was called) with the Vanessa Carlton intro song!? I was obsessed with that show when it came out – all of my friends watched it too. No wonder so many girls acted the way that they did in high school…we were watching quality TV like Sorority Girls. Eek. Thanks MTV.

Then I eventually headed off to bed when I just couldn’t clean out another cabinet which was around 1:30 am. Anyway, I spent Friday evening organizing closets and the kitchen…exciting, no?! Saturday morning I slept in and rolled myself out of bed around 10:30. I proceeded to wrap myself up in a blanket and lounge on the couch for the next three hours of course AFTER I ate a bowl of cereal and had a glass of orange juice (which by the way, does anyone else hate the term “OJ” for orange juice?! I cringe when I hear that). I watched more episodes of Greek and when I finally did get myself up off of the couch it was project time. I had a few more things to hang, I needed to go through a big stack of magazines and weed out the ones I don’t need/want, I fixed the back of our bookshelf/TV stand, set up a little organizational tool for all of the restaurant/take-out menus I was acquiring, (FINALLY) started taking the songs from my iTunes on my old computer and started importing them onto my iTunes on my mac (anyone know an easy way to do this?!). I ordered pizza for myself that evening (from a delicious, rustic Italian restaurant) and once again relaxed on the couch watching Greek episodes. Turns out I didn’t go to sleep until around 2:00 am Sunday – more projects and late night TV watching (obviously an all out junk weekend). Good thing all day Saturday was rainy and gross outside -- makes me feel better to have an excuse to spend my day completely lazy indoors!

Sunday I rolled out of bed and decided it was time to get out. Luckily I picked the best day – the weather was BEAUTIFUL. I didn’t even have gloves on while walking around the city. I had a few things that I needed to pick up anyway so I took a long walk, browsed some stores and then picked up those necessities. It was a little bit of a sad day since M. and I have watched EVERY Superbowl together (since we’ve been together) and we’ve always had fun making junk food. Instead I decided to ignore the Superbowl all together – yep, that’s right – I didn’t watch one minute of it – instead I took a nap -- if I wasn't going to get to eat junk food with my hubby then forget about it! Although I must say I am pretty excited that the Packers pulled out a win! A LOT of my family still lives in Wisconsin so I can only imagine how excited the win made them!

Needless to say, those late nights COMPLETELY threw off my sleeping clock and when I tried to get to sleep last night I ended up waking up every hour on the hour and had a very restless night – ick. I can’t believe my eyes are even open right now, but somehow I’m making it through….and look…it’s already 12!

Have a wonderful Monday!


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