Sometimes I absolutely LOVE long weekends and then other times I find that they just end up getting me off track – this weekend was a bit of both. It was amazing to spend a ton of quality time with my husband seeing as he is newly an official New Yorker, but with tha

t quality time also came a lot of bad food. I’m looking forward to getting back on track today.
Friday evening we stayed in and cooked a pasta dish and I enjoyed a nice, big glass of wine. We spent that night just hanging out on the couch watching TV and snuggling up together.
Saturday we decided to stop for a quick lunch before going to pick up my belated Valentine’s Day gift.
I gave M. a great, new pair of brown boots (dressy boots of course) and I told M. that all I wanted for Valentine’s Day was a nice box of chocolates. M. researched a couple of choc

olate stores in NYC and ended up choosing
La Maison Du Chocolat near Rockefeller Plaza. Not only was this chocolate store absolutely beautiful, but the display case of glossy chocolates was like a work of art! M. thought it would be fun to have me pick out my own flavors which I was totally in favor of once I saw how much there was to choose from! Obviously there were many different chocolate combinations, but a couple of my favorite were the dark chocolate with raspberry, the milk chocolate with caramelized crepes, and the dark chocolate with candied mint leaves…can you see how I may have gone off track this weekend?! It was totally worth it though – those chocolates were so amazing. Thanks, M! :)
e stayed out in the city until around 6:30 or (despite the RIDICULOUS windiness of the day) so and ended up heading home to order a little delivery for dinner. Since we’re absolutely loving Netflix M. asked me if I wanted to start watching LOST from the very beginning (I never really watched it when it started so I never got into it or really could understand it all).
We started the series Saturday evening and I am officially addicted – so many twists and turns – I love it! We stayed up SO LATE (another reason I'm feeling off track) watching episode after episode.
Sunday we slept in and then rolled out of bed before going to run a few errands and take a w

alk around NYC. It was beautiful outside, sun beaming, but
BOY was it chilly.
We had a quick lunch at a new favorite BBQ restaurant (we're still trying to keep our "southern" roots) and boy oh boy it was SOOOO good. BBQ sandwich and potato salad -- yes please (check number 152,455,556 why I got off track this weekend!)! After lunch we went off on our walk. We made it for a little while, but it was so chilly out and I neglected to put on a hat or earmuffs which caused me to wrap up our walk quicker than M. would've liked. My ears were literally aching from how cold it was outside. We snuggled up on the couch and watched a few more episodes of LOST.
Yesterday was yet another relaxed day. We cleaned up the apartment a bit and t
hen headed off to try a new place for a "we're on a day off from work" treat. I'd heard about the
Doughnut Plant on CBS's Sunday Morning months ago, and I knew that it would be a great place to try considering M.
LOVES doughnuts and because we rarely eat them (Krispy Kreme is our all time favorite!).
We bundled up and headed off to the shop. We ended up each getting two doughnuts to try (I literally cannot eat more than two doughnuts in a sitting -- they're SO sweet to me that it's like sweet/c
arb overload). For M.'s flavors he chose chocolate (no surprise to me!). He had the Valrhona Chocolate doughnut (which I must say, looked DELISH) and the Blackout Cake doughnut. I decided to go with the Carrot Cake doughnut (um - perfection) and the more interesting Pistachio Yeast Doughnut.
WOW. These things are amazing. The carrot cake was SO yummy and the pistachio was the most unexpected flavor ever. I loved the yeast doughnut with the light pistachio flavored glaze.
Needless to say, these will be our new guilty pleasure when we're in the mood for dou
ghnuts!We literally spent the rest of the day lounging around -- wow, we were SO lazy (even though M. begged me to go on a walk I just couldn't bring myself to be outside in the cold, cold weather -- sorry, M.!). I prepared a big batch of chili for our dinner tonight (which should be cooking away now!), popped some laundry in the machine and did little else. It's my

goal to get a lot done this week at home and at work -- let's see just how much I can do with just a few short days! :)
How was your weekend -- I hope you had President's Day off like M. and I did!?

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