More Exciting Than The Rain

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Work is CUH-RAZY today! Finishing up the rest of my work so that next week will go SUPER smooth.

It's gross and rainy here today but I really don't care one bit...for a couple of reasons actually.
  1. I don't have to leave the office today AT ALL. This is exciting seeing as I've been running around for the last two weeks it feels like. It's nice to just have a ton of work to do right at your desk rather than in 50 million other places.
  2. It's homemade pizza night in our house ( which means no shuffling around the city to go out to eat. I usually do half tomato mozzarella and half BBQ chicken, but I'm going to go really wild tonight and make mine a buffalo chicken pizza...I'm excited people.
  3. Our Friday night activity is going to be watching Invictus. I've been wanting to see this movie and so has M. Can't wait to spend some quality time snuggled up on the couch with my favorite person.
Watching the rain fall from INDOORS is sometimes really relaxing and peaceful.

Are you excited for anything great today!?



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