Some days I just come up blank when deciding on what to write for my blog post for the day and this is definitely one of those days. So instead of trying to concoct some crazy post about something that I don’t even really feel like writing about today, I am going to just go bullet style with some of my thoughts.
I on occasion enjoy trendy clothing just like the next gal, but sometimes, for a person’s age, I find that some of these trends are just a bit over the top. For example, when does one get too old to wear a pair of plaid pants? Don’t get me wrong, someone could DEFINITELY rock some plaid pants, and I am actually in favor of patterned pants every now and then (of course it has to be the RIGHT pattern). The pants that I actually have in mind, again, PLAID PANTS I actually really like. I just don’t always know that I agree with some of the people who try to wear this style.
An acquaintance from high school just had her first baby a few days ago with her husband of 10 months. I can tell that they are very, very happy by the looks of all of the Facebook photos that have already been posted. What I’m really amazed with is the fact that so many girls I knew in high school have kids…one planned and most not. Two girls from my high school class have two babies already by two different fathers. Another girl has one baby, the father is apparently not present in the child’s life (at least from the angry looking Facebook posts), and yet another girl has a baby and is still dating the father of that child.
Isn’t it amazing all of the information that you can gather and all of the assumptions that you can make by looking at Facebook. Clearly I need to stop.•
I’m so glad to be living with M. again full time. I’m also really happy about that fact that we can cook dinners together again. Last night we enjoyed that delicious chili that I whipped up on Monday evening (and I even have leftovers for lunch today…yum). Tonight we’re having chicken and shrimp fajitas, tomorrow I’m going to make creamy tomato soup with chicken and orzo (a la my FAVORITE soup from Hale & Hearty here in NYC) and on Friday we’re having homemade pizza.
Ahhh….no more nights of sitting on the couch eating ritz crackers with peanut butter or pita chips and hummus…alone. Hooray! :)•
In that same thought…sometimes I feel like I just plain stink at being a wife. Some weeks I am just SO not motivated to do the laundry that has piled up in the corner of the apartment (I like to be in charge of the laundry…don’t you dare touch it M.!) Some nights, ok MOST nights I am SO not into doing the dishes. Sometimes I make a complete mess in the apartment with my projects and stacks of “to-do’s”. Clearly I need to work on this.
I want to go shopping. I want to buy a ton of new spring clothes, but then I think about it and all of the great clothing that I already have hanging in my closet and I kind of change my mind. You read that correctly, “kind of”. I’m still dying for some new spring fashions, but right now saving money is better than spending it. Sigh….
I would really love to buy said new spring fashions to take on a tropical getaway. I am DYING to take our honeymoon, but thanks to me taking a new job in NYC and moving M. here as well there just hasn’t been the time to really plan out when we’re going to take our honeymoon or where. I can’t stop myself from changing my mind between going to a tropical place where we can simply relax or going on another European adventure. There are pros and cons to both….dreaming away over here!
M. and I are BOTH doing the Jackie Warner workout videos now. Let me tell you – Jackie Warner is RIPPED. It’s almost ridiculous. I don’t know how she still eats and looks like that. The video is still hard, but I’m definitely starting to get stronger at the moves. Just like the 30 Day Shred…it just takes a little bit of time.
About that getting up and running in the mornings….yeah, about that. So happy that it’s already Wednesday…
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