Uniting Offices Everywhere: The Real Housewives

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I’m sure my mom would like to throw in a “it’s all just mindless television,” right about now, and it’s true, it is totally mindless television, but we can’t help but all watch the “Housewives” in action. Last night’s part one reunion show certainly didn’t disappoint (although it looks like part 2 is going to be even MORE ridiculous), but what really amazes me is the way that an office can unite over something as dumb as this show.

Again, I am just like the next girl. I wait every week for Thursday (the Beverly Hill’s Housewife season) to come so that I can see what crazy things are going on in those ridiculously rich women’s lives, but really, just like in the movie Mean Girls, we’re waiting for the next explosion of drama between whoever and the next big cat fight to take place so that we can all sit around and gossip about whose side we’re taking?! Um – we don’t even know these people – I find it odd. Is there ever going to be a point where girls can just be nice to each other?! Now we're living our lives through these Housewives and "getting in on the action" just to up our mean factor. Craziness.

Anyway, IT’S FRIDAY PEOPLE! I am SO excited that the weekend is here once again! I can’t wait to spend some quality time with my husband and enjoy a couple of relaxing days. I’ve got some fun projects to work on (I’ll be sure to share with you soon!) and I am determined to get the rest of our decorating finished so that I can finally feel like our place in NYC is complete!

See you Monday, lovelies!


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