First –
Mindless Musings had a post regarding the behavior of some not-so-nice gym go-ers the other day and last night I experienced my own not so nice incident – Every afternoon when I go through my workout I always start on the treadmill and finish with weight lifting (light weights, of course). Last night I ran my four miles and walked over to the free weight stands only to find that weights 5 pounds through 25 pounds were missing – each and every one of them. I hear some men talk

ing in the yoga studio portion of our apartment gym and through the linen curtains I hear one guy instructing another guy on how to do bicep curls….these are probably 200-270 pound men, mind you….why is it that (1) they need instruction on how to do a bicep curl and (2) why must these TWO men hold 8 weights hostage when there are others that may need to use them too?! Needless to say I didn’t get any of my free-weight workouts done last night thanks to the little exercise party these two men were having together. Hmph!
Second – As I have mentioned on the blog before, I am Catholic and in order to get married in a Catholic church (which we are) each couple must take part in a course called “Engaged Encounter.” We are leaving Friday afternoon to drive back to NC to participate/finish the one day course (there were a couple of different options including an entire weekend option, but with M. finishing up his final semester of law school and with the amount of traveling we will be doing over the next few months we decided that we didn’t want to pay the around $350 for the weekend course and instead just complete the $99 one-day session.) I am actually really excited about the day which will start at 8:30 am with both of us taking the FOCCUS (aka: Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study) test which helps couples learn more about each other and which will serve as a tool for our priest who is marrying us to discuss different topics about marriage, raising a family, what role God plays in our lives, communicating, etc. M. and I have obviously discussed many of these things already, but it will be interesting to see how our answers compare. After the test we will spend the rest of the day (until 5:30) on things like one-on-one discussions, small group discussions, journaling, going through different presentations, and finishing with a prayer service. It will be nice meeting other couples and discussing our faith more deeply.
Third – I haven’t had a New Year’s resolution in a few years now, so I thought maybe this year was a good time to make some:
-- I am going to try and be even more productive at work. Since I started this job in October I know I have been doing a good job (in fact, on Monday my boss told me that he was giving me a raise!!), but I am going to try and be even more efficient and more productive so that I can always avoid that overwhelmed feeling.
-- Normally the weekends are the time when M. and I eat dinner out rather than making dinner at home. In an attempt to save a little bit of money and to FINALLY learn to cook MANY different dishes I am going to cook dinner at least one night of the weekend rather than going out to eat every night. This will start in two weekends (we’ll be out of town for the next two!)
-- I am going to attempt to weed out the crazy amounts of stuff that I have – that means my closet (maybe selling a few more things on Ebay?!), the kitchen, all of the storage boxes I have in our front closet, etc. I'll probably make a weekend of it!
-- Finish a few scrapbooks. I really enjoy crafting, and scrapbooking is such a fun way to display pictures and different odds and ends that have special memories associated with them. I look forward to getting myself caught up!
-- Finally (and this one should be easy considering I have been working on this since October) I will keep up my workout routine so that I can stay in great shape!! Even after the wedding in June I hope to keep up with my running!
I hope that you are all having a fabulous Thursday so far!! Tomorrow I will show off a super cute (or at least I think so!) DIY project I came up with for our engagement party (which is now only 9 days away now!!).
**Photo Credit: Vogue Girl Korea **
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