Summer Dreams on a Winter's Day

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Ahhh….what a lovely weekend! How was yours?!

It was FREEZING here in the city this past week so M. and I spent a lot of our time indoors cuddled up on the sofa with snacks at arm length and our wonderful streaming Netflix at our fingertips. We did venture out twice this weekend to run some errands and grab lunch, but other than that, staying in was on our list of things to do. Sometimes weekends spent inside with no set plans are more exciting (and of course more relaxing) than weekends that are full of events, dinners, and errands to run. I’m glad we had the chance to enjoy each others company without a long list of to-do’s.

So as I mentioned, it’s FREEEEEEEZING here in the city. Literally! According to the high today in NYC is 20 degrees and right now it is 11 outside! This “southern” girl is not used to weather this cold – although I suppose Washington, DC did prepare me a little bit.

To be honest, I’m kind of over winter. While the holidays are fun and the weeks leading up to the holidays are fun, after its all over, I’m ready for spring and summer to be here! As much as I love all of my winter clothing and my chunky knit sweaters, I have to say BRING ON THE BRIGHT COLORS AND LILLY ATTIRE!

So in honor of my desire for spring and summer to come around, I made a small purchase about two weeks ago that I wanted to share with you today. I have been trying to pare down all of the “stuff” that we have (or really, that I have) so that we can be comfortable in our New York apartment, but I just couldn’t resist this small purchase. So I’ve never purchased anything off of or from the brand, Hutton Wilkinson and don’t even ask me where I first saw this pair of earrings (it was so long ago that I seriously do not remember), but when I saw these I just had to have them! I actually waited to buy them for three months and lucky me, I waited so long going back and forth on whether or not I wanted them that they eventually were marked down to a measly $16.95 which is such a great price for a fun pair of statement earrings!

So I purchased the earrings and then got a little worried that they might be kind of hokey, the wrong color or just too big and clunky. Lucky for me though, when I received them a week ago they were PERFECT! The most beautiful orangey-coral color with little pearls and crystal accents – definitely earrings that could be dressed up or dressed down. Also, they weren’t overly huge which I was kind of worried about – they are the perfect just-big-enough size. I LOVE them and am dying to wear them with some of my spring and summer attire – what do you think about these earrings ladies!? Did I make a good choice?! Are you craving the warmer weather as much as I am?! I'm definitely going to be keeping my eye on this jewelry line on just in case any other fun pieces come up!

Seeing as the weather doesn’t look like it’s going to be budging for a while, I’ll just keep dreaming of the day that I can switch over my closet again!

Cheers to warm, bright and colorful thoughts on a freezing cold Monday! :)


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