The second half of our Christmas can be summed up into one word, one word that every child wants to hear on Christmas morning, one word that can make most normal person seriously melt…
PUPPY! **Unfortunately I only took photos of the puppy for our second Christmas at M.'s house, so his cute little face will just have to do!**
No folks, M. and I have not added to our family, but instead we surprised M.’s dad with a brand new, 9 week old German Shepard puppy. A little back story for you – M.’s dad had to put down his beloved dog Baron just about a week and a half before Christmas. Baron, also a German Shepard was a really sweet dog and M.’s dad and M. and the rest of his family were totally devastated about having to let him go. So as a special surprise (Christmas & early birthday) from everyone, M. started researching German Shepard puppies in our area. He ended up finding an adorable litter of puppies and we went to look at them while in town at my parents.
That day he picked the perfect puppy (although I wanted to take all of them home!) and we planned to pick him up on the 26th. Since the snowfall on Christmas and into the 26th ended up being heavier than expected we waited to pick up the puppy on our way to M.’s parents house on morning of the 27th. We had the three hour (or so) drive to M.’s house and the first twenty minutes with the puppy in a box a my feet were challenging. The little guy was crying (probably because it was the first time being away from his brothers and sisters...insert sad face) and freaking out about being in the car. Eventually though he figured it out, and like any puppy, n

eeded some sleep.
He fell asleep in the bottom of the box at my feet for the rest of the trip – even through our drive through the Chick-Fil-A drive thru!
M. debated on how to surprise his dad with the new puppy and finally decided to make him a photo album of photos of Baron and then hand him his “Christmas/Birthday” card from the family with photos of the new puppy that we had taken the day we picked him out. While he was opening the card, M. ran to his room where he had hidden the puppy for a short time and then let him go. He walked right over towards M.’s dad’s chair and upon picking him up they bonded instantly! It was a really sweet moment and I think he was totally surprised! Eventually M.’s dad chose a name for the little guy, so Max it is! The majority of our time spent at M.’s parents house was spent playing with and watching little Max!
After surprising M.’s dad with Max, we opened up presents and gave the rest of our presents! We got some wonderful things from everyone. M.’s parents gifted us a brand new BluRay player (which we were in desperate need of since our DVD player has been broken for a while now – we’ve been surviving on my computer). M. received a beautiful new charcoal gray suit (also from his parents), a great pale blue Brooks Brothers sweater from his sister and her husband, and as a gift for us to share, M.’s brother gifted us a hot chocolate maker and Williams Sonoma hot chocolate – it will be perfect for the chilly days here in NYC!
I was given some pretty wonderful things too – a beautiful J.Crew necklace from M.’s sister and her husband, and from M.’s parents, a fabulous pink

and green scrapbook and the biggest surprise of all – a pink Kate Spade handbag! M. didn’t know that his mom picked it out for me and was completely shocked when I unwrapped it – I LOVE it and it will be perfect for spring and to go with all of my preppy, bright Lilly Pulitzer outfits! Not to mention M’s mom put some of my new favorite Christmas candy in my stocking…you know, those peppermint bark DOVE bites?!
I hope that you all tried them before they flew out of stores! :)
M.’s mom ordered pizza for us that night which was delicious and a fun way to unwind with the family. We stayed up late playing with the puppy, flipping through the TV and catching up with each other. Unfortunately, that evening M.’s dad also found out that his father was brought to the hospital. We were all worried, but had no idea that it would turn out the way that it did.
The next morning M.’s dad and sister decided to start the drive to Mississippi. The doctors weren’t completely sure what was wrong, but it didn’t look good and M.’s dad wanted to be there for him. We spent the day taking the puppy to the vet for his first check up and shots and spent the remainder of the afternoon watching movies and hanging out. That evening M.’s mom (who had to work that day) made us a delicious dinner of turkey, carrot soufflé, green bean casserole, and mashed potatoes – oh, and don’t forget the rolls! We went to bed relatively early since M. was up late taking the puppy outside and unfortunately was feeling quite under the weather.
The next morning did not bring good news at all. It did not look good for Grandpa C. and of course M, his mom, and brother were waiting by the phone to hear any news. M.'s Aunt actually came to visit for the evening (because she was relatively nearby) and it was really great to see her. After M.'s mom came home from work we all went out to dinner at a great local restaurant. At the end of dinner we received news that things weren't getting any better for Grandpa C. which of course was completely saddening.
When we arrived home we all sat around in the living room talking about our families, funny Christmas stories, and talking about Grandpa C. and good memories we've had with him.
Late that evening M.'s mom got the call from M.'s dad that Grandpa C. had passed away. While it was extremely sad and an emotional evening we were all thankful that he passed away peacefully. He didn't wither away in a hospital bed, but rather slept until he was taken to be with Him. Even though I wasn't there, I know that he looked like himself and not some unrecognizable person. I know that it was incredibly hard for M.'s father and for the rest of the family and I know that the healing process has really just begun. I was even getting emotional after having only met and been around Grandpa C. a handful of times.
He really was a great man -- and from the times that I had met him he would always say things like "You let me know if M. doesn't treat you right and I will set him straight!" He was so sweet.Although not a happy ending to the holiday, a great reminder to us all that family is the most important thing and to cherish every moment spent together because you never know when that moment will be your last. Our first married Christmas will certainly be one to remember!

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