Having It All/Having It All Together

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Last night I sat back on the couch with M. after eating our ridiculously unhealthy dinner (of bacon cheeseburgers and fries [oh yeah, and I washed mine all down with a Oranges n’ Cream soda…my absolute favorite]) and as we were watching TV M. made a joke about how he’s the one who does all the cleaning in our apartment. Of course, I didn’t immediately react to that comment with a big smile on my face and M. noticed. He asked what was wrong and I told him that what he said “hurt my feelings”. M. of course came back with a playful…”I was just kidding” (and I knew that he was…kind of). I responded by looking at him and saying “I just feel bad when you say things like that...BIG PAUSEINSERT LAUGHTER & BIG SMILE HERE….because, well, you’re right, I don’t do any of the cleaning!” We laughed for a good five minutes after my realization that I shouldn’t be upset by the comment considering I really don’t do any of the cleaning….

I’ve realized, since the age of about 16, I am one of those people who needs to “go at my own pace.” I’ve always considered myself to be an organized person – and I really am – once I tackle the “project.” At work my desk is spotless – all of my tasks are neatly placed into piles which I then tackle one at a time – it’s the way that I keep up. Similarly, all of my “projects” at home are also put into “piles” and they sit there until I “tackle” them (I know that was a lot of quotation marks…try to keep up). It has definitely taken some getting used to on M.’s part -- he isn’t a big fan of my “piles”. It’s not like our apartment is dirty (as in grime or grit), in fact our apartment is VERY clean with the exception of these piles that tend to stack up right around the kitchen table and on the desk beside the bed.

Not only am I a big fan of “piles,” but I have ALWAYS been somewhat of a saver. I wish that I were talking about money (I am a spender at heart, but I am really working on the saving part so that I can have some great things in my very near future aka a great honeymoon, house, puppy etc.), but instead I tend to save bits and pieces here and there. I love saving thank-you notes or pretty cards that I receive little knick-knacks here and there and magazine clippings galore! Why do I save these things you ask? Well, it’s because I am creative – there will be uses for many of these things in the future – I just don’t know what “project” they will be used for yet. And just please note that I am not like those scary people on the A&E show “Hoarders”; all of my saved items are neatly tucked away into pretty colored storage boxes usually labeled with their contents.

This has been an off week for me. M. and I have been traveling every weekend since before Christmas and I was just plain tired this week. I decided to take a break from my running schedule and just relax. I haven’t even unpacked my bags from this last weekend’s trip to NC – they are all sitting in their spots around our kitchen table.

I’ve said all of the above to say this: I am not a perfect fiancée (soon to be wife) yet. I don’t always clean up my stuff right away, I keep things that sometimes shouldn’t, I don’t cook meals every night (heck, I barely cook more than one meal a week at this point) and sometimes I don’t get all gussied up to go into work.

I know that I will someday land my dream job, manage my “projects” in a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing way for our apartment/house, cook meals most every night of the week for M. (and good one’s at that), take care of a puppy (someday) and someday kids (HA! I just laughed at the fact that I put a puppy and kids in a section together as if they are even remotely close to the same thing!), and clean our apartment/house without M. lifting a finger.

As I look back at the beginning of this post I’m a little confused as to where I was going with all of this, but I guess it’s just to say that I certainly don’t have it all together right now, but someday I know, and when I say I know I really mean I won’t settle for anything less, than having it allno matter what anyone says.

**Can't remember where I found this photo..if you know, let me know!**


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