CRAZY - Almost Literally - Week

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Another day in the city means another day in the snow apparently. Last night we got another four inches-or-so of snow and while it is beautiful at first sight, it certainly gets dirty quickly (bummer!). The snow also means that today is another two-shoe work day. I popped on a pair of my wellies (today I chose my green and white polka dot with blue trim pair), threw a pair of black and white animal print flats with pink trim and pink accent bow (big surprise, I’m wearing black today!) into a shoe bag and was on my way. Well, of course, not before locking the apartment door only to realize that I had forgotten my lunch on the counter. Gloves off, two locks unlocked, grab the lunch, re-lock the door, throw the gloves back on and THEN I was on my way. Ever have days like this...or in my case, an entire week like this?!

I’m not even kidding – I feel like sometimes I wake up and my day goes completely crazy. Similar to this morning’s example, but really a whole lot worse, the other day I was getting ready to leave work and was all bundled up when I realized I forgot my second pair of shoes (it was raining that day so of course I had to wear wellies and not ruin a nice pair of shoes). So I took my gloves off unlocked the door, grabbed my “real” shoes, relocked the door and started walking down the hall. Almost made it out when I realized I forgot my lunch. Back to the apartment door, gloves off, unlocked the door, grabbed my lunch, relocked the door and started walking down the hall….when I realize that rain boots weren’t enough in the rain, I might just actually need something called an U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A! So I’ll spare you the explanation again, but over and over it seemed like I was unlocking that stupid apartment door to grab something else that I forgot. I felt like I was going crazy.

Then last night I did my weekly grocery store trip. I loaded up my cart with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit and things to eat during the work week and then also some ingredients for dinners for this weekend. I also picked up a few fun things too so that I can test out some baking recipes I’ve been dying to try. So I get to the checkout line and the lady says to me, “ Is this for delivery?” HA. Delivery. No, I don’t want to spend extra money on having my groceries delivered – I’ll carry them myself, thank you. So I figured, how heavy can some fresh vegetables and a few extras really be?! Well let me tell you – HEAVY. So heavy that this morning my shoulders are KILLING ME -- they are hurting more than when I do the 30 Day Shred! I literally RAN by people on the streets getting back to the apartment. I am sure I looked like a nut, and today my shoulders are not happy with me, but I was determined not to pay more money just to have someone else do the same thing I could do. Once again, looked and felt like an idiot. At least I know how to keep a smile on my face! :)

Sometimes that’s just how a week goes!! Goal for this coming week – try not to be so darn forgetful and add a few more shoulder reps into my workout routine! :)

HOORAY – IT’S FRIDAY! Enjoy your weekend everyone --it's going to be another cold one here!!


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