Happy Monday everyone!I hope that you all had the greatest weekend! I spent mine lounging around the apartment with my wonderful husband.
His birthday requests?! Not a fancy dinner, but take-out from a restaurant nearby and watching the Jets/Colts game.Usually M. doesn’t get in until late Friday night, but he was out of work early on Friday so he got here around 7…in fact, he almost beat me home! I had a qu
ite a long day at work on Friday and it was SO NICE to have him there right when I got home. We picked up a slice of pizza for dinner and set up our new blu-ray player from M.’s parents. The blu-ray came with a month free of Netflix so we chose an “instant” movie and watched The Shawshank Redemption (which I had never seen). The movie was great and after it was over M. read a funny blog that he found online out loud –

we laughed and laughed on the couch at some of the funny writings and eventually found ourselves pretty sleepy.
Saturday we had another low key day – slept in until 10:30 (I totally needed this after a week of restless sleep from my cold/flu symptoms), took a long walk and popped in and out of some stores with big sales for after the holidays. We stopped by the grocery store to pick up the ingredients for M.’s birthday dessert and then made our way home. I started b

aking right away and then placed our dinner order. Not too long after the cakes were finished baking I started to assemble the dessert.
I decided to try my hand at baked Alaska – you know, layers of cake and ice cream all covered with meringue and baked! I layered the cake and ice cream and then put it in the freezer to set up. Dinner arrived around 7:30 so we watched an “instant” episode of Friday Night Lights (love this show!) on Netflix and ate our dinner until the game came on at 8.
During the game I finished up M.’s birthday “cake”. I was initially intimidated by making the meringue, but it all started to come together perfectly! So about 20

minutes (and a small fire) later the baked Alaska was out of the oven and looking pretty.
Unfortunately I didn’t have any birthday candles so votive candles had to do. Four votives representing 7 years each to total 28! Happy Birthday M.!Yesterday was yet again spent relaxing. We watched a few more episodes of Friday Night Lights on the instant Netflix and then took a long nap – it was amazing – I love lazy Sundays.
I am ready for yet another work week. Today is going to be incredibly busy (I have a BUNCH of things with deadlines set as end of day today), but towards the end of the week we have our big department meeting which means that I’ll get a bit of a break.
I hope that you all enjoyed a relaxing weekend and have a painless work week! :)
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