I'm super annoyed right now - why you may ask? It's actually from going shopping at lunch.  Now shopping is usually my happy place but today a five cent plastic bag managed to change all that.

Let me explain - I don't know what the deal is where you live, but here in Toronto, stores now charge you five cents for each plastic bag you need. Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with stores charging for plastic bags - I think this is a great idea at the grocery store, grocery shopping is not a surprise trip, you know you're going so it's easy enough to bring your own bags - I haven't taken a plastic bag from the grocery store in years - not since Loblaws introduced their very clever bin option.  But when I'm going someplace and plunking down several hundred dollars for clothes, I expect them to give me a free paper bag to carry my purchases home in!  The problem is when stores don't have a paper option and I then have to choose between paying five cents for a plastic bag or carrying my purchases out in my hands.  Both options piss me off - I'm not talking about buying something small that I could just shove in my purse, it's a large pile of clothing or something else big! 

If I'm so environmentally conscious, why don't I just bring my own reusable bag?  Well sure, if I know I'm going shopping I do, but today I hadn't intended to so I didn't have one with me.  I sucked it up and paid for a bag but it is still galling me.  If the store I was shopping at knew how I was feeling right now they would be rightfully concerned that they may have forever lost my patronage.  They should also be worried that I am rethinking today's purchases and seriously considering taking the whole lot back for a refund, including the bag! 

Why are you getting so irate about this Lisamarie?  It's just a plastic bag! Principle people, principle!!!

There are two things that annoy me about this:

1) The price of that plastic bag that they used to give me for free is already built into the price of each item - I haven't noticed the price of anything I am buying going down so they are still padding my bill for the "free" plastic bag and on top of that, wanting to charge me for one!
2) I shop many places that offer paper bags that they will happily put my purchases into, thereby earning my gratitude and goodwill - Club Monaco, LUSH, Roots and Shoppers Drug Mart Beauty Boutique to name a few - they seem to have clued into the fact that now that they don't have a choice but to charge for the plastic bag that it just makes sense to offer a paper alternative. There are also stores that will give you a free reusable bag which is smart, it makes their customer happy and it gives the store free advertising as most people will continue to use the bag for carrying other stuff around. By not giving me a your customer an alternative to plastic, you appear greedy, not be mention stupid - other stores are doing it so why aren't you?

And really on top of it all, they can make plastic bags out of biodegradable materials now so why isn't that an option?! Stores would not be required to charge the five cent fee for a bag that could go in the compost.

In these tough economic times and especially in this retail-important holiday season, certain stores should really be considering their customer goodwill and realizing that something as small as a bag, can make a big impact on where their (former) customers shop.

I'm going off to breathe into a bag to calm down now - don't worry, I'll make sure it's paper!

Where do you stand on the issue?  Does paying for plastic bags make you crazy or is it just me?

- Lisamarie -


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