Haul out the Holly {and get in the holiday spirit}

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I love this time of year in the blogosphere because, amongst all the regular goodness, it seems like everyone adds in a little something special for the holidays. So, I just wanted to let you know about a few things that are getting me in the holiday spirit...

Haul out the Holly,Gwenny Penny,Christmas craft tutorials
First off, get excited because the lovely Gwen over at Gwenny Penny is hosting Haul out the Holly starting November 29 -- and I'll be sharing a tutorial (and, oh yeah, it's gonna be AWEsome)! Survive Black Friday, rock Cyber Monday, and then come straight to Gwenny Penny to relax and enjoy the holidays again. :)

Gwen has rounded up eleven great bloggers (maybe only ten great bloggers and then me? that's how I feel with this awesome lineup!), and beginning November 29, she and each of the bloggers will share a tutorial each day to get you ready for the holidays. Trust me... you'll want to be there.

All the cool kids will be there:
Amy from Ameroonie Designs
Amy from Increasingly Domestic
Andi from Jane of All Crafts
Anna from Noodlehead
Cecily from Craftopotamus
Jess from Craftiness is not Optional
Kindra from At Home With K
KJ from Let's Go Fly a Kite
Kristin from Betty Crocker Wannabe
Lorene from just Lu
<---that's me!! ahh!!
Megan from Fowl Single File

so you should be too. :)

So mark your calendars for Haul out the Holly, and, in the meantime, you can join me at these two other holiday blogvents (yup, just made that word up).

Thankful on Paper
No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane, on top of having possibly the coolest blog name EVER, is hosting Thankful on Paper this month. Thankful on Paper is all about giving gratitude a place in our lives this Thanksgiving season by letting people know that we are grateful for them (plus, you get to display that beautiful button for participating -- win-win!). Here's what to do if you want to participate (directly from No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane): 

*The 4 Wednesdays (beginning on Nov 3rd), leading up to Thanksgiving, I'm going to write one person and tell them I am thankful for them and why. I will send it to them them that day (or drop it off at their house) and hopefully express to them how much I care for them and how grateful I am that they are in my life. I would love you to do the same.

*The 4 Thursdays (beginning on Nov 4th), leading up to Thanksgiving, I will write a simple blog post about who I wrote to and why. On those Thursdays, I would love for you to join me and write a post. I will link to each of your blogs on that Thursday so that others can visit your site and be inspired. (I am potentially going to do a LINKY, but might just do it myself as well, not sure). If the person is someone you would like to keep private, that is also fine. You can opt out that week or write a general post keeping it private, but sharing some sentiment of Thankfulness.
*It's as easy as that!

Okay, yes... I am already behind. But I've almost got my note written and once I do I'll definitely share. Better late than never, especially with worthwhile things like gratitude. :)

And last but certainly not least this holiday season -- The oh-so-talented Linda over at Craftaholics Anonymous is yet again hosting her Handmade Gift Exchange. The woman just had an adorable baby and she is already coordinating a fantastic gift exchange, and actually two since there are separate exchanges for US and international residents. Wow am I an underachiever. :)

The gist of the Handmade Gift Exchange is that you make something (thus the handmade part) that you send to your designated partner (thus the gift part) and your partner will also make something (doubling the handmade part) and send it to you (doubling the gift part and completing the exchange part).

If you want to join in, you can read all of the details here at Craftaholics Anonymous. You have until November 10th to sign up, and your gifts must be post-marked by November 30 -- and handmade doesn't need to be extravagant! (Remember, it's going in the mail.) You can see what items have been part of previous gift exchanges here.

Welcome to the holiday season! 
whether you want to be here already or not. :)


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