Happy Monday! I enjoyed a wonderfully sunny weekend here in New York City, but I am ready for the new week ahead! As I type out this post I am admiring my pretty nails. I gave myself a new manicure this weekend using a pale pink base color and a topcoat of OPI’s Katy Perry Collection “Teenage Dream”. The last time I wore glitter nail polish was circa fourth grade, but my glittery digits are putting me in a fabulous mood this morning. It’s the little things people! :)Friday I ended up staying at work much later than I had anticipated. A nice sorority sister of mine was in town meeting with different “work professionals” (can I even consider myself to be a “work professional” yet…probably not, but I’m working on it) to discuss all things “jobs”. She’s currently a senior who will be graduating this May and I was happy to discuss a little bit about the interview process and life and work in New York City since she will be moving here in the spring. Of course I am no expert, but I tried to help answer her questions as best I could.
After our little chat I was thinking about the time I've spent here so far...I can’t believe it, but I’ve been working here now for four months. That little lunch meeting ended up putting me slightly behind on my work which
I HAD to finish by that evening. I pushed through until the end of the day working as frantically as possible and by 6:35 my work was finished.
Whew! You have no idea how happy I was to walk home after that cr
azy work day!When I arrived home M. and I got to work putting together our homemade pizza.Making the pizza was a really nice way to unwind from the busy day. We rolled out the dough and prepared all of our toppings. I ended up halving my pizza – half BBQ Chicken, half Buffalo Chicken. M. went with a classic pepperoni and cheese combo. For the rest of the evening we stayed up watching TV and decided to put off watching Invictus for another evening.
Saturday I was up around 9:00am and ready to get outside. The weather was absolutely beautiful and since I had deprived M. of his long walk last

weekend, I knew that I had to make it up to him.
We took off on our walk and ended up all the way down by the Hudson River. What a beautiful walk!! We went all along the river and enjoyed the beautiful breeze and warm sun.After our walk we made our way to a little diner that M. read about at one point or another online. It was certainly a “dive” diner – the tiniest little place ever. We squeezed our way to a two top and got to work scouring the large menu for our meal of choice. We both decided quickly – I was going to have the French toast and M. was going to go with the Chocolate Chip Pancakes, but for some reason as soon as the waiter stood in front of our table my order changed to a bacon egg and cheese croissant and M.’s order changed to scrambled eggs, sausage and home fries.
I have no idea what happened, but after
we both finished eating our selections we agreed that we should’ve stuck with our original plan.The rest of our sunny Saturday afternoon was spent wandering around the city. We happened to walk by a little window with three adorable puppies hopping around in shredded up white paper….of course we had to stop in. I’m not over the fact that my childhood puppy passed away, but it was comforting to see all of the happy (but s

till puppy-eyed) little dogs jumping around and playing. One girl was in the store looking at a tiny yorkie puppy which was absolutely adorable, but I wanted to take out a little yorkie-poo puppy to play with who had extra big puppy eyes..
Of course M. obliged and watched me “oh” and “ah” over the adorable puppy. It was fun to play, but we’re no where near ready to have a dog of our own and I’m still feeling a little too sad about “replacing” my Roxy.Before making our way back to our apartment we picked up a cupcake which we waited to enjoy while watching a few episodes of LOST. The rest of our afternoon was spent lounging, surfing the internet and a little magazine reading for me. Saturday evening after a quick dinner we decided to
FINALLY watch Invictus. Well –let’s just say I wish we hadn’t.
I’m a big fan of Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, but this movie….it was terrible…slow….boring….no oomph! I was almost begging M. to turn it off.Sunday morning we slept in and relaxed the morning away. When we finally pulled ourselves off the couch we decided on another long walk. This time we decided to walk all along the East River.
Two beautiful days and long walks in a row -- marvelous! Although it was a tad bit windier on Sunday. After our long walk we headed off to the grocery store. I had planned our week of meals that morning while lounging and was pleased to see that we didn't have all that much to buy at the store. I tried to convince M. that it would be a good idea to pick up some of our favorite Easter candy (Yes people, it's on the shelves ALREADY), but that idea was shot down pretty quickly which was probably a good thing. Instead we picked up the necessary groceries and headed back home. Caught up on a few episodes of LOST, surfed the net and caught up on some blog reading and decided that I need to add some blogs to my reading list and update a few design details too (I'll be working on that next weekend).
We watched most of the Oscars last night (well, M. might have watched the whole thing, but I went to sleep around 10:30pm) and I was really just watching to see the fashions like so many other gals. I haven't seen
ANY of the Oscar movies, but look forward to watching them in the comfort of my own home. Seems like the reaction to the two "young" hosts wasn't so great...lots of people didn't like them. Either way, I thought that they at least both looked really nice! :)
Today I was up at the crack of dawn (5:40am) to get in my run and then off to work. I'll be catching up on
A LOT today and I am looking forward to organizing my workspace.
I hope that you had a happy weekend! :)
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