Start Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

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A few things for this Thursday…work related…

My immediate supervisor is out of town for the next two days which is great because that means I have the time to catch up on a lot of stuff I have put on the back burner. It’s so funny because in my last position I had SO MUCH free time. In fact, I was able to get most of my work done in the morning hours and then the afternoon’s I would spend doing pretty much whatever I wanted. Of course I had small projects here and there, but because I was so efficient with my tasks I literally could’ve taken half days – at my current job – not so much – and I honestly don’t mind it. I actually wondered what it would be like to always feel busy and a little stressed in a job – and now I get to experience it!

Yes, I realize this seems like a silly thing to “be excited” about, but it’s refreshing to me that I am actually busy EVERY DAY and that I feel like what I am doing actually goes towards the greater good of this company. Of course there are some tasks which are mundane and sometimes make me feel like an intern all over again, but then there are other tasks which remind me of why I wanted to work for this company in the first place. It’s totally inspiring here – the people, the brand, the products – I love it.

Speaking of being around “inspiring” people, yesterday I had my first run-in with someone I’ve been dying to meet. OK, actually, I haven’t met her YET, but I will in time. I actually just had the chance to hang out in the editorial department for a little while and got to see her “at work” in her office, which, by the way, is also totally inspiring – beautiful images EVERYWHERE, colorful, dramatic – I loved it all. So yeah, I guess maybe this isn’t exactly an exciting thing to talk about, but just seeing her at work in “her space” made me SUPER excited…and again, inspired!

Finally, yesterday we had our weekly team meeting to discuss new opportunities and upcoming issues/work. At the end of our meetings the woman who heads them up always ends things with an inspirational quote (have I mentioned that my workplace is totally inspirational!? HA! I promise I will refrain from using that word for a while seeing as it is flooding this post). Yesterday’s quote went something like this…

“Start getting comfortable being uncomfortable… Thrive on not knowing…”

OK, so maybe this quote isn’t super inspirational (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself), and of course she was using it to explain a situation that is going on in the office, but I found it very interesting and thought about it in relation to my life and not just for my job. I feel like this phrase has been the theme of my life lately – things are not comfortable – I still don’t completely know what I’m doing in my new position (learning more everyday), me and my husband are living apart, I am attempting to form new friendships with my co-workers who already very much have their “groups” set, and I am trying to adjust to living in a new city. Of course, it’s not as though my world is “turned upside down,” but there are certainly many moments of being uncomfortable.

The second half of that quote, the “Thrive on not knowing” portion reminds me to remember that there is a plan for me and for my husband and for our lives together. Things may be confusing or sometimes upsetting, but I constantly remind myself that things will work out the way they are supposed to work out and that everything that has happened in my life so far has led me to where I am now.

So yes, this past month and a half has brought on a TON of uncomfortable moments and I’ve had to learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world because I know that everything that has unfolded day by day is shaping those “not known” events of tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! :)


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