Weekend at the Beach

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I can’t believe I am once again sitting at my desk ready for another week of work. I had the most amazing weekend spent with my husband (eek! Still getting used to calling him this!), my parents and my sister. Luckily, I brought a little bit of the beach home with me… an absolutely RIDICULOUS sunburn. If you saw the Southern Wedding’s feature with my bridal portraits you know that they mentioned “Pale being the new Tan”…well I do love my pale skin, but unfortunately this weekend it took quite a beating…hopefully I’ll go back to my usual shade soon, but let’s talk about the fun parts of this trip! :)

No surprise we ended up sitting in traffic on 95 for about 2 hours. M. and I stopped for a quick (and unhealthy) fast food dinner and then made our way to the beach house. We ended up arriving around 12:50am so we hopped into bed pretty quickly since we were tired from the long trek and wanted to be up relatively early the next morning.

All day on Saturday was spent at the beach. We took a long walk with the family in the morning, sat around in the lounge chairs on the back porch (and enjoyed the amazing beach breezes!) and then hopped in the golf cart to make our way back to the sandy shoreline. We set up in a nice spot and M. and I immediately made our way down to the water to dip our toes in! It was actually pretty chilly, but the combination of the hot air and the cool water was seriously heaven.

We ended up moving our beach chairs closer to the water where we pretty much lounged all day digging our feet into the sand and enjoying the crashing waves. (All of the “lounging” is what of course gave me my fabulous “tan”….I put sunscreen on, I really did, but never again will I be using that “gel” sunscreen….luckily my face didn’t burn!)

After M. enjoyed a nice dip in the ocean (to be honest I’m a little freaked out by swimming in the ocean!) we packed up our gear and headed back to the house. Everyone showered and got ready for a dinner out. We again took advantage of the cool breezes that seemed to never end on the back porch and enjoyed a few snacks before taking off for that seafood dinner M. and I craved so much!

One semi-long drive across the island and a short wait later we were seated for dinner. My mom and I ordered a delicious “Dreamsicle” cocktail before chowing down on an awesome crab cake sandwich, M. enjoyed his seriously delicious Jambalaya, C. ordered a fun shrimp burger, and my Dad feasted on an entire fried Rep Snapper (head and tail too folks!).

Our waterside table was perfect and the conversation during our meal was even better. After dinner we made the drive back, but before arriving home we made a pit-stop at the local DQ for an ice cream treat. Unfortunately, the pain of my sunburn was starting to creep up so I wasn’t even hungry for ice cream (CRAZY!), but M., C. and Mom all enjoyed some! :)

I went to bed early on Saturday evening because my skin was hurting SO badly, but the next morning we all got up and prepared a big breakfast – chocolate chip pancakes eggs and bacon which we enjoyed at the big kitchen table. Even though we were all in somewhat of a food coma we wanted to make the most of our time at the beach, so armed with a giant sunhat and as many clothes as I could layer with the incredibly hot, 99 degree afternoon, M. C. and I hopped back on the cart to head to beach for one last leisurely stroll. We ended up taking some great pictures and even spotted a really pretty crab trying to bury himself into the soft sand.

We ended up leaving around 3:30 and arrived home last night around 10:45. It was SO NICE to enjoy a weekend away from DC especially since M. and I haven’t been to the beach since our trip to Mexico two summers ago. We’re hoping to get a few more short weekend trips in (to the beach or elsewhere) before the end of the summer (mostly after M. takes the bar).

And now back to the “grind”… I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too! :)


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