My Foot May Fall Off

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I'm awake at a RIDICULOUS hour for a Sunday evening....or rather, Monday morning (it is currently 1:21am) due to the fact that after a weekend of organizing and cleaning of my apartment, I decided that at the tail end of my cleaning/organizing, I should go ahead and slam my foot against a shoe shelf causing a giant gash in the bottom of my foot which in turn has caused a severe case of insomnia because of the throbbing, terrible pain. I'm thinking that my foot may fall off - it hurts that bad.

My solution to numb the pain? A tall glass of water, two extra-strenght Tylenol, and some blogging. Oh yeah, and catching up on the emails that I've been meaning to write now for the last two weeks. Of course it's nice to have the chance to "catch up" on the things I've been meaning to do for a while, but I'd really appreciate the shut eye right now considering I was planning a killer run for the morning before work. Sigh...I think I may have to skip it - if not for the lack of sleep, but also maybe due to the gash in my foot. Is it bad that I had planned to just run through the pain? Maybe this is just the hint that I needed that maybe that a morning run wasn't a good idea. Luckily, on Saturday I logged a great 10 miler...I'm glad now that I did! Hopefully this foot will be semi-healed by tomorrow evening. Maybe?!

I've got to say though, I'm not looking forward to sitting down at my desk this's going to be a long day for sure. At least M. can enjoy the bed all to himself tonight while I camp out on the couch. :)

We had a great weekend in the city filled with wonderful weather. We walked a lot, shopped a little and just enjoyed some downtime. I'm not looking forward to the workweek, but the good news is that this coming weekend will be full of celebrations since it will be July 4th! I can't wait to experience this holiday in New York should be tons of fun! Most of all though, I am looking forward to our weekend away spent with my family. It'll be great to be out of the city for a few days and to catch up on some family time!

Alright, I'm going to attempt to log a few hours of sleep. Wish me luck! Can't wait to catch up on what you were up to this past weekend!


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