Expect The Best

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Sometimes I wish I could write on my blog all of the crazy things that go on at my job everyday. I wish I could tell you about all of the crazy meetings that I attend and the things that I have to do to prepare for them because they aren't just "regular meetings" they are special, creative, tailored to our client meetings that ALWAYS involve some type of amazingly amazing something or other.

Sometimes I wish I could be specific about where I work so that I could explain to you the stress and of course the importance of making everything so perfectly-perfect you can't even stand it. Not just because of the place that I work, but because I am working my hardest to impress and deliver on my work assignments so that someday, I might be the person that people are looking to impress.

My job at times can be slow and at times it can be like it is today and for the rest of this week - so completely crazy that you wouldn't believe everything I'm finishing at one time. I am building better and better relationships with my co-workers and even in some cases, friendships.

My first week of work was pretty bad. I was afraid that I had made the wrong decision to come to New York. But now, months later I can look back on that initial decision to move here for this position and smile and really, truly, feel happy about the whole situation.

So there is literally five minutes of time available for me to write this post (I can't even believe I have THAT much time with my schedule today, but I just wanted to say - I love my job and I couldn't be happier than where I am right now, in this moment. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

**My all-time favorite quote (which is also featured in my "about me" section) all prettied up. I took it from another blog so unfortunately I don't have the "credit" for it!**


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