Drab to Dazzling!

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I bought this little desk years ago before I was married.
It was back from my bachelorette days and while I have
a sentimental attachment to it, it just didn't wow me.
So ...

Out came the white paint and a few accessories
and now to me it is dazzling!

It's a great little spot to check on household accounts
and some correspondence too.
This darling book of dog cartoons was given to me as a
birthday gift several years ago by my friend Cherie. She's
a big dog lover too.

It's the perfect companion to a desk filled with dog figurines.

Please join me and visit ~


Who is that dog in the little picture frame? Well Bentley,
that is my very first Yorkie named Bitterman. One day
I will tell the story of how Bitterman charmed the security
guard at the Denver airport.

Susan and Bentley


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