Swooning for Sweets

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I don't know what it is...maybe the fact that I am back on my workout kick, maybe the fact that Christmas is just around the corner, or maybe it's because I bought that bag of Dove Peppermint Bark Bites, but I am seriously, crazily craving SWEETS!

No joke, yesterday on my lunch break I made a list of the "sweet" things that I am dying to make and I'll bet there are a whole lot more that are in my recipe binder at home that I haven't yet gone through.

To add to my peppermint obsession I really want to make a chocolate peppermint cheesecake and a homemade batch of peppermint ice cream. I'm also dying to have some good old fashioned puppy chow, some butter toffee popcorn, and some mini pretzel turtles that I saw on Tasty Kitchen yesterday. I'm planning on making some of these sweet treats this weekend....but which ones to choose?!

And yeah, if you're wondering why my mileage tracker on the right hand side of my blog hasn't gone up since yesterday....that's because I was so tired this morning from my day yesterday of getting up at 6 am, running four miles, going to work all day and then making my date with Jillian Michael's that I literally could not get up this morning to run. Luckily, I made dinner last night (homemade tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on rosemary bread) which means that tonight will be leftovers which means that I won't be so stressed about getting my run in after work today. But believe me, tomorrow I will be back to my morning running -- I like WAY BETTER getting it over with in the morning!

Back to things that are more important...anyone have any sweet treat recipes that they want to share with me?!


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