In Praise of American Women

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This post is in response to the blogger who wrote the very ugly comment on
yesterday's post about wicker to vent his anger about American
women in general.

First of all, let me say that I don't know who you are but I can tell
from your angry words that you are a pathetic individual. Perhaps you
were hurt by some woman in the past, but to blame all American
women for your discontent is ridiculous to say the least.

The American women I associate with are unselfish, loving women who
put their family, their country, their friends and their faith first! We care for
our homes and our communities. We reach out and volunteer to those in
need. You don't know us at all, nor have you ever associated with any
women like us.

Don't assume that I am some naive, fluffy little housewife who does not
know what she is talking about. I am a highly educated woman who
has been exposed to various cultures and nationalities from an early age.
I have travelled the globe extensively and spent three years living
in a middle eastern country where I taught First Primary at a local
school. My students and their parents came from various faiths
and nationalities. From my own experience I can tell you this ~
there are good and bad people everywhere. I would never lump everyone
into one category because of a personal grudge. I have met wonderful, kind
individuals everywhere and I have met some rather unpleasant ones as well.
That, unfortunately is human nature. Sadly, those unpleasant ones who are
greedy and unkind are the ones who start arguments and the ones who
start wars. They are found in every corner of the globe.

I for one am proud to be an American Woman. I am proud to know
other American Women who are good, kind souls who love their husbands
and their families with all their heart and will do whatever needs to be
done to preserve the sanctity of their homes!!!

I hope that other American Women Bloggers will stand with me
in praise of Women from every state in this Union!



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