WHEW! What a crazy last couple of days…crazy in a good way of course!!
I just wrapped up some REALLY busy days at work (thankfully things are going to slow down for the rest of this week) and also some really busy “after work” activities with my family! I never usually take big breaks from my blog and I was dying to get back on here to write about what’s been going on.
First off – guess what?! I officially have a roommate! My husband arrived on Tuesday evening and I really am so happy to have him back with me day and night….even if working all day means that we don’t actually see each other.
M. told me that when he arrived in NY and was on his way back to our apartment he noticed an advertisement for the upcoming movie,
The Adjustment Bureau (which, by the way, I’ve been
DYING TO SEE since I saw the trailer for it in the movie theater months and months ago).
He said that he was thinking about our “official” move to New York and how big of a change this is and how we’ve just continued to change throughout our marriage and he then read the advertisement that said “Your Future Has Been Adjusted".....so true, right?! I had a good laugh when he told me about that…and then I reminded him I’ve been dying to see that movie! :)
This past weekend my mom arrived in NYC for a short trip with her sisters to celebrate my Aunt’s birthday. Since she was staying with me on Sunday night before all of her sisters arrived on Monday afternoon we decided to take full advantage and go out and about around town. We popped in and out of stores and then stopped by
Fresh. Have you ever been to Fresh or tried any of their products (which I believe you can also buy at Sephora)?!
I was gifted some body lotion from the brand months ago when I was engaged and absolutely FELL IN LOVE. I love the light, almost lemony scent even though it’s named “Brown Sugar”. I’ve also purchased a delicious roller-fragrance (which I can’t recall the name of right now) that I absolutely love for the Springtime. So when I saw the
Fresh store I told my mom that we needed to stop in for a moment! Of course we ended

up leaving with a fun new product for ourselves and we were given a fabulous glass of champagne when we walked in!!
I’ve been wanting to purchase this lip balm for a while, but just never got around to it. My mom treated me (and one for her too) to the Fresh Sugar Tinted Lip Treatment in the color "Plum".
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this new lip treatment. It tastes amazing and the color (almost as if it’s a stain) is this rich berry/wine shade that just makes your eye color pop! There was also a brighter color available, but since I seem to always go for those types of shades I decided to try something different for a change!
After shopping for a little while longer we stopped by a restaurant nearby and enjoyed a glass of wine and some delicious guacamole and burgers for dinner – yum! We stopped by the grocery store on the way home and then got to cooking for the arrival of my mom’s sisters the next day. We had to prepare for the little get together at my apartment the next evening!!
I want to talk about the other things that have been going on too, but for now this short recap will have to do! I’m looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs! It just feels weird when I don’t leave people comments – can’t wait to see what you’ve all been up to. :)
Have a fabulous Thursday (I’m SO READY for the weekend!)!!
PS: I really need to start taking pictures again....I hate when I miss fun moments to document. I promise you can start expecting more photos from me! :)
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