300 Miles and 300 Posts!

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I can’t believe it, but I’ve actually made it to post number 300! I would sure love to do a giveaway, but right now with all of the wedding craziness it is just not an option! I do however want to take a look at my running progress since October.

I started my whole “Running to my Wedding” plan in October and since then I have run 383.2 miles – that’s averaging almost 50 miles a month! I’m proud of what I’ve done – I’ve stayed faithful to my daily workouts (the running, weight lifting, Jillian Michael’s) and my hard work has definitely paid off – I am now only 3 pounds away from my “Goal Wedding Weight” and I still have 1 month and 7 days to make it there! I’m pretty sure I can do it!

Of course, this process has been about more than just getting in shape for my wedding – it’s been me getting in shape for my life! When I workout daily I just feel better – I am not groggy in the mornings, I don’t feel lethargic when I get home from work, I don’t overeat anymore (except maybe when I enjoy a burger and fries!), and well, my clothing fits perfectly…well, actually I may need to invest in some alterations because right now a lot of my clothing is actually too big.

After the wedding I plan to continue my daily workouts for these reasons alone – I don’t want to ever have that lethargic “blah” feeling again. I may not workout as intensely as I do right now, but, like many bloggers I have toyed around with the idea of signing up for a half marathon. We’ll see how I feel after the wedding!

Other than me bragging on my workouts (thanks for letting me although we all know you had no choice!) I just wanted to say thank you to my readers! It’s not that I have a super popular blog, in fact, I have fewer followers than TONS of other blogs, but I am thankful (for my 91 followers!) that those of you who do read find an interest in what’s going on in my life and are kind enough to comment! I really appreciate it! :)

I have some fun things to share with you over the next few weeks – a few DIY projects that I’ve worked on for the wedding, a few more fun outfits I’ve picked out for the rest of the “pre-wedding” events (my bachelorette party, our pre-wedding cookout, bridal breakfast and bridal luncheon), and of course a special post detailing M.’s big Law School graduation weekend!

Thanks for reading and here’s to 300 more miles and 300 more posts!! :)


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