Getting Glee!

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I suppose I have jumped on the bandwagon -- last night I watched my very first episode of Glee on FOX. (Anything to keep me distracted from jobs! Which there is a little bit of good news on the job front which I will share at the end of this post!) In fact, I think everyone and their mother watched last nights episode because people, it was Britney night! I must say, the show was actually pretty entertaining and I may even watch future episodes or catch up on the past season. It's a pretty easy show to watch -- no overly complicated plot lines here. In fact, it actually made me a little nostalgic over the last FOX show I really loved -- The OC.

The OC was playing while I was in high school and I remember rushing home from high school events that lasted into the evenings so that I wouldn't miss the episodes. I have all but one season of The OC on DVD and started re-watching them last fall. I didn't make it all the way through, but maybe I'll pick it back up again and finish the episodes I didn't get to.

So I officially understand why everyone loves Glee -- it's really fun hearing popular music re-worked...and I may have downloaded that last number from i tunes immediately after the episode ended!

So onto the good job news -- M. received an email yesterday from one of his past professors letting him know that he was contacted by M.'s potential employers for a reference! This can only mean good things and we're hoping that he'll get his answer VERY soon! Other than that -- we're still just waiting around -- it's amazing how unproductive you can be while waiting to hear about potential employment. That's kind of funny right?! Waiting to hear about a potential job actually causes you to be unproductive -- something you would never be while at work?! I'm really reaching here people -- I need answers, and FAST!


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