Becoming the Housewife MacGyver DOMESTICALLY

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I'm sharing today as part of the Easter Blog Party over at We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ, so hop on over there to check out the party (and get your free printable flashcards of The Living Christ). 

If you're stopping by from the party, welcome! I hope you'll take a look around and make yourself at home. Subscribing and/or following is optional but always appreciated (over there ----> in the right sidebar) :)

It's April, and around my corner of the globe, it's starting to feel like spring (at least every other day, in between the snow storms :) so this month we are playing MacGyver in a domestic turn with spring cleaning!

We have some great guests this month who will be sharing their tips and tricks about cleaning, laundry, and mending -- all while making do with what we have (or can easily and inexpensively procure) to use our resources wisely! Give a warm welcome (and a visit ;) to our lovely guests:
and as you are browsing their awesome blogs, think about how you can challenge yourself domestically this month. Now, domesticity definitely involves more than just cleaning, laundry, and mending/sewing... but we're devoting a whole month to MacGyver our kitchen skills, so, for now, think domestic but outside the kitchen. :) You could...

start (and hopefully finish) your spring cleaning project(s)

learn which common household products clean those stubborn stains

use more natural or make-at-home cleaners

start line-drying your laundry or make another financially and eco-friendly laundry change

or learn to make basic clothing repairs

And the great thing about the above suggestions is that our guests will be a jump start into all of these topics!

So, what will you be doing to become a little more MacGyver domestically? Leave me a comment or link up to the party!

Thanks for reading!

PS -- If you're interested in sponsoring a giveaway for Housewife MacGyver, this month or any month, please contact me at The giveaway can be anything, not necessarily something that goes along with our monthly theme. Thanks!

Domestic Housewife MacGyver {the linky party}


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