There is something about a mask that heats up that really makes me feel like it's actually doing something!  These are all intended for those with oily/acne prone skin so as I have combo skin, I only use them in trouble spots and not all over as I find them too drying for the normal and dry areas of my face!

Avon Clearskin Professional Clear Pore Thermal Mask - 75ml - $12 - leave on the skin for 5-10 minutes for a warming sensation that deep-cleans and fights acne.  Formulated with glycolic and medical-grade acne-fighting salicylic acids to clean and unclog pores.  Helps clear blemishes and improve skin's texture for smoother-looking skin.  I never thought I would find an acne-fighting mask that I would like as much as Clinique's Emergency Mask but this one is giving it a run for it's money - and as far as money goes, it sure is a heck of a lot cheaper!

Available from your friendly, neighbourhood Avon rep - 1-800-265-AVON - if you don't have one and live in/close to Fort Frances, ON then connect with one of our lovely readers who is also a rep - contact Val at  or you can purchase your Avon booty online at
Biore Self Heating Mask - 8 single use mask capsules of 7.5g each - $12.99 - purifies pores, exfoliates skin and combats shine. This one really heats up - so much so that when I tested it on my husband he only lasted a couple of seconds before he was whining that it was too hot and had to wash it off - wimp!  So if you are sensitive or a wuss you might want to try a patch test first - I had no issue with the heat of the mask and I really like the capsule idea - makes it very handy for traveling! What's different about it is you apply it to wet skin, massage it in for a minute while it turns blue and then wash it right off - perfect for people with a short attention span!
Montagne Jeunesse Self Heating Fudge Sauna Mask - 15g - $1.99 - with a delicious vanilla fudge fragrance it contains Mediterranean clay to revitalize, refresh, moisturize and soothe the skin and draw out impurities for deep cleansing. Wet face and leave on 5-10 minutes. I almost wish these packets were smaller because there is way more then you need for one facial!  So use it with a friend or seal up the extra and use it another time! Available at Walmart, Rexall, Jean Coutu, Loblaws, London Drugs and most independent drug stores.

- Lisamarie -


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