Sleek EOTD

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Just a quick picture post tonight (because I'm deathly tired and about to clamber into a bath with a copy of Chat magazine because that's all my battered intellect can cope with) - here's an EOTD I did at the weekend with the Sleek Acid Palette. I'd been concerned about using this because my experience with the original Sleek i-Divine palette was that it stained my skin, but the matte colours in the Acid palette at any rate didn't give me any problems at all. In fact they were a lot of fun and easy to work with. Yay to that.

I used: Sleek palette in Acid (£4.89)
MAC Royal Wink Fluidline (discontinued, but try Urban Decay Radium liquid liner, £12 as a more shimmery substitute.)
Brows: Illamasqua brow powder in Motto
Urban Decay Primer Potion

Sorry for the rather hopeless focusing in the middle one - hopefully you get the idea.


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