Smoothies, Haircuts, Antiquing and more!

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Hellooooo Monday!

I think we may have just experienced the last “cool” weekend in the city – the weather was beautiful!

Friday afternoon ended with me putting together another beautiful floral arrangement. What do you think of my creation this time? I love the vibrant pinks in varying shades and those spikey-dragon-like red and yellow flowers made the entire arrangement totally amazing even though I was a little skeptical at first! These beautiful flowers are currently gracing my kitchen counter top since I had just bought some peonies the weekend before that are sitting pretty on my “dining room” table.

Once M. arrived home from work on Friday evening we decided to take a walk with the pup. We’ve really been enjoying the time spent on our walks with our new family member simply because it gets us out in the fresh air and away from distracting things like the television, computer and our phones. It’s really nice to just have some time to relax and talk and unwind from our days at work – not to mention it gets our little dog some much needed exercise!

After our walk we ordered in and watched a movie that we had from Netflix. Oh – and did I tell you that I finally finished the last season of Friday Night Lights?! We got the disk about a week ago and I was so sad when the credits rolled on that final episode, BUT what a wonderful message…one that actually reminds me a little bit about M. and my situation. If you haven’t watched don’t read this next line…………….I was so happy to see that in the end, “coach” moved for his wife’s amazing job opportunity – her dream job. I loved every moment of the preview of their “new life” in PA – wonderful!

Back to reality – Saturday morning I was up early for dog duty. I actually woke up about an hour before the alarm was going to go off for me to take Thatcher outside. I took him outside to do his business and then decided that I wasn’t really tired enough to head back into bed, so I put on my running gear and headed off for a nice, long, 7 mile run. It felt GREAT. Last week I was still feeling “sick” from that cold/couldn’t really breathe with how stuffed up I was (literally – this one lingered WAY too long) so I didn’t end up running AT ALL. My long run on Saturday reinvigorated my running bug though, and Sunday I got in an additional 6 miles and this morning yet another 6! Needless to say, I’m feeling those wonderful workout endorphins again!

After my Saturday run I caught up on some of the episodes of Housewives I had missed (thank you, DVR!), a little blog reading, and then took a shower before M. and I headed off for a little lunch and Thatcher’s first grooming appointment! Before my shower I snapped this photo of Thatcher’s scruffy look. He hasn’t been groomed since we got him and he was looking JUST A LITTLE rough around the edges…still a cutie though! :)

Maybe it was my long run that morning, but all I wanted was a fruit smoothie. We walked to my favorite – Jamba Juice for a special treat/lunch. I indulged in the amazing pineapple/strawberry/banana concoction and was set for the day. We dropped off Thatcher for his appointment and then headed to grab M. a little lunch too (he wasn’t feeling the smoothie-for-your-lunch idea!). After picking up M.’s lunch we needed to kill a little time before picking up our pup. I decided shopping would certainly do the trick and so I browsed Anthropologie’s amazing “home décor” section. I found so many fun things and wish that I could fill my kitchen with their amazing painted dishes!

Before we knew it, Thatcher was ready to be picked up and when we saw him – well, he looked like a COMPLETELY different puppy all together! We had the groomer do a simple “puppy cut” so that he wouldn’t be so hot (now that the warm weather seems to be here to stay) on our daily walks with him. I thought he looked ADORABLE and we were reminded of just how small he really is – I’d guess only about three pounds! What do you think of his after look? I kind of chuckle every time I see him just because he’s so small and his ears are so big!

After the appointment we ran a couple of errands and then stumbled upon this great “garage” antiques market. I LOVE browsing markets like this and couldn’t resist going inside for a peek! Turns out a "peek" meant about an hour and a half stroll through rows and rows of fun furniture, frames, lamps, memorabilia and racks and racks of crazy clothing. I absolutely loved every second of it too! M. ended up running to get a little cash so that I could get a fun frame for our living room (got it for only $7.00), but I could’ve spent so much more money for sure! There was an AMAZING mirror there that I wanted SO badly, but the price tag was just a little too steep. Luckily though, I saw some other people interested in buying it. I’m not sure if the ended up taking it or not, but I really hope so – it was BEAUTIFUL!

We had such a busy Saturday that all we wanted to do when we got home was lounge around. We watched a little TV and just hung out. After my early wake-up call that morning, I was getting pretty tired once 10:00 pm rolled around and before I knew it I was relaxing in the bed and falling asleep three minutes later.

Sunday morning I didn’t have quite as early of a wake-up as M. was on “dog duty”. I slept until 10:00am! We took Thatcher for a walk and then left him at home while we ran a few more errands around the city including stocking up the fridge for the week. In fact, because of said grocery trip, right now I am staring at a beautiful peach that I cannot wait to enjoy with my lunch. I told M. this as I walked by a flower stand this weekend with beautiful peach roses, but peach is one of my favorite colors. As old-lady as it may be, I love the color peach. Can you tell by the color scheme on my blog?

I hope that your weekend was simply amazing! :)

**Stay tuned this week for a fun DIY project that I tackled this weekend. You won't BELIEVE what I did with a piece of "art" I found lying on top of the recycling at our building**


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