John 13:7 - Prayers Please

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I fully intended on spending today talking about the joyous weekend that was spent celebrating my brother-in-law, but for today, that is going to have to wait.

I just learned the news that one of my favorite co-workers (the one who has basically taken me under her wing and her social circle) husband passed away last night in his sleep.

He was not sick and he is VERY young to have had this happen. I am currently in total shock over the situation and feel not only completely helpless, but completely and terribly sad for my friend.

They only just married this past October. She was getting ready (in only two weeks) to move from New York to be with her husband who recently made the move to Washington, DC. They were the completely opposite situation of me and my husband and we often laughed about it together. They were not even together when it happened. One of my other good friends at work is driving her to DC today.

I am absolutely devastated for my friend. I cannot believe that this has happened. I am reminded of just how precious life is and that we must always tell the ones we love that we love them because we never know when it may be our last chance. Please keep her and her family in your prayers today.

"Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7


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