Weekend Recap 3.5.2011-3.6.2011

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What a storm last night! The wind and rain was crazy – I woke up a couple of times because the wind was whipping so loudly.

Getting ready to head back to work for the week and I must say I’m not jumping up and down excited about it…but then again, everyone has those Monday’s, right?! I spent the weekend hanging out with the husband. Friday night when I got home from work I got to work making our dinner for the evening. We decided to have “our pasta” which is a re-creation of our favorite pasta dish from when we traveled in Italy together. It’s basically a vodka sauce over tortellini – delish! I made garlic parmesan bread and enjoyed a great glass of wine. Our Netflix delivered The Social Network, which I was really excited about watching. We popped it in the DVD player, enjoyed our comfort food and relaxed. I really enjoyed the movie and the main character was just too funny. We had a little dessert Friday night too – leftover cupcakes from a work party…I’ll take it! Chocolate frosting on a chocolate cupcake….delish!

Saturday we slept in and then popped out of bed to enjoy the mid-50’s weather and a nice long walk. We walked by so many groupings of parents and children playing catch or kicking the soccer ball around – it was adorable. The weather was SO nice so we stayed out for about an hour and a half just enjoying the sites and the slight breeze and warm sun. When we made our way back to the apartment we ate a leisurely lunch and just hung out. We’re still watching the episodes of LOST, we’re actually on season three now and gosh is it getting good! I find myself saying, “let’s watch one more” after every episode! In fact, this morning after my run (M. joined me at the gym too!) we watched an episode while I was getting ready for work. I’m officially addicted.

Sunday was a rainy, yucky day so we slept in, went to the gym to work out, cleaned the apartment and pretty much laid around all day – I loved every minute.

I wanted to show you a pretty wedding gift that I took out to use a couple of weeks ago and since then have decided to leave in place because they're just too pretty -- enter these gorgeous, crystal, Tiffany & Co. candlestick holders from the lovely Kristy. I purchased two taper candles when my mom was in town a few weeks ago and love the way they look on our "dining room table" (hence the reason why I am officially keeping them where they are!). Also, how beautiful is that flower arrangement?! I love having fresh flowers at home -- they bring such a brightness to any room!
In honor of March for Me I checked a few things off of my list. For a while now I’ve been meaning to my recipe binder organized. I am absolutely ADDICTED to Tasty Kitchen and The Pioneer Woman’s blog so I always find myself printing out recipes and putting them in sheet protectors. I have collected so many new recipes that they were spilling over into a second binder. I finally decided it was time to fix the mess. I took everything out of the two binders and found a more appropriately sized binder to hold all of the sheet protectors. I started organizing everything in categories and even though I didn’t finish, I’m glad I finally started tackling that little project. I also tackled a new manicure for the week (a dark plum – it’s the last days when I’ll be able to wear dark polish until the next winter, thank goodness!) and tonight I’ll be painting my toes too – probably something more cheery though!

Looking forward to a quick workday!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too! :)


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